Capt John Campbell, Col Sevier, BKM and Buckingham Island. Crow, James, Campbell, Heroes Lost left arm. Gilbreath, Alexander Joined Sevier to BKM. Gass, John Under Hawthorn and Lacey. Smith, lived near Capt. Brooks, Moses Floyd, Andrew S21757 16Oct1832, age 83, York District (adjutant under Col Hambright) download S21757 deposition Limonton, Robert download s10703 deposition Lowery, William to BKM. Brother motally wounded. Kilgore, James Lovelace, Vachel, W9144, 16May1833, age 75, Graves Co KY, Fergusons defeat as calendar pointer Enter at your own risk. Hampton, Jonathan Gambrel, see Gambill Ewart, James Lane, William Hamilton, Alexander Bean, Robert (Beane) V Sevier, Moss and KK White Cathey, George S16699 06May1833, Cooper Co MO, Lt James Forgey took his place in Raleigh, went to Burke, McDowell, retreat to TN, then returned with Vols to BKM download s16699 pension deposition Wit: John Caruthers S32163 download s32293 declaration Allen, Vincent Claims BKM, but no regular army units were there. WebKings Mountain Battlefield Monuments 1880 1909 Obelisk West Face Obelisk East Face Places of several BKM patriots Catheys Plantation Ebbing Spring Maiden Spring and up stream Mulberry Fields BKM People Patriot Casualty Details Patriots in the Battle Casualty Plaques Did you know? download r2173 deposition Hopper, THomas, R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not in BKM. Linn, William Hemp, Charles Davis, Vachel, R2770 10Jul1837, age 14 on 04Jul1776, Harlan Co KY, From Ninety Six District, Joined Capt Rawley Roebuck, Col Elijah Clarke seiging Augusta, Red Coat Col Cruger from Ninety Six came to relieve Augusta and Clarke retreated to Greasy Cove of Chucky River. Kyle, Robert, Captain Adams, John Carroll, W8312 02Dec1825 no mention of BKM, then 31Aug1847 widow Sarah says he was at BKM. Howe, David, S13422, 03Dec1832, age 85, Fleming Co KY. Capt Hawthorne, redual of Gen Sumter to BKM. Per Widow Elizabeth, was in BKM, then guarded prisoners at Old Moravian Town. Litton, Catel Hammond, Charles Light, John, S4549, 27May1834, age 67, Hawkins Co TN, Lt John Wheeler, Capt Benjamin Clark, Col Shelby. Benge, Obadiah M (w) Surry County R743 Cobb, John, w20902, was home guard for Nolichucky during BKM. download s1753 deposition Wit: Sterling Rose Brown, Isaiah (Rowan Co NC, not BKM) Botetourt militia but no mention of BKM Crockett, Walter, Major Callaway, Elijah (Micajah or Cage) G.R.Clark WebThe Battle of Kings Mountain was one of the few major battles of the Revolutionary War waged entirely between fellow countrymen. Gilliland, James, Lieutenant S15852 27Nov1833, age 88, Washington Co VA, Captain Colville to BKM, Alexander Montgomery to Boyds Creek after BKM WCSB p 162. Cross, Zachariah (?) Then prisoners to Camden. I am a decendent of Phillip Greever (on your "Kings
Burns, William (S16669 Long Island and Rye Cove, not BKM) James, Marlin Brashear or Bradshear, Samuel (Margaret Brashers widow of Samuel, not BKM but after BKM, Boyds Creek) download w9370 widow deposition Henry, Malcolm, S16866, 03Nov1834, age 79, Lincoln Co MO, Captain under Col Graham to BKM. Jackson, James, S38077, 25Nov1833, age 76, Pike Co KY, From Burke Co. At a Fort on Swannanoa Creek of French Broad. download r1791 deposition Carr, Patrick, Captain, (Paddy) R10279 Uncer Col Clarke download r10179 Strozier deposition William Sherrill is on the roster of officers at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Maybe Boyds Creek. Hutson, George S3516 with Samuel Weaver brother in law This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. Berry, Robert Chittim, John (w) download s10116 pension deposition Livingston, David then home. Head, James, R4814, 20Jun1843, age 75, Edgefield District, not BKM Creely, John Jr (?) Boyd, John, 15Jul1837, age 74, Warren Co OH, Lieutenant (R1088 Cowpens, BKM?, multiple depositions, inconsistent details) Cathcart, Joseph Benge, Obadiahs Brother, killed R743 Cole, Thomas download r2722 deposition wit:Benjoamin Brown. King, Peter, W7981, 20May1837, Smith Co TN, widow Jane, Patrick Fergusson one of the acting Justices. Helm, Meredith Lyle, Samuel Barton, John, Captain Wilkes Co, part which became Ashe Co. Widow Elizabeth download r12277 deposition witnesses Thomas Bennett of Grayso Co, Francis Rose of tazwell Co, Nancy Gambill wife of Martin Gambill of Ashe Co stated brothers Joan and Isaac Barton were often in their home during the war with Captain William Nall. Apparently Trish Carden,, added names of soldiers from all sources, some of them merely rumors. Bonnett, Peter 05Feb1833, Lewis Co VA, mentioned Newells store near Pittsburgh. Hays, William, S37973, 28May1834, age 74, Warren Co KY, sick with yellow fever during BKM Caldwell, Samuel, Captain (10Oct1932, Lincoln Co NC, Captain Isaac White, Col CLeveland) download W528 deposition Lee, James Coffey, Benjamin (under Captain John Barton, Col Cleveland, horse down, joined infantry and arrived after battle to guard prisoners) download s1655 deposition Hillian, John Kincaid, John, W12029, 30Apr1833, age 83 Lincoln Co NC. Childress, Mitchel Hillsborough 1780) s1945 Jones, Darling (one of several credited with shooting Col. Campbell, Solomon S39287 22Aug1820 from Garrard Do KY, age 65, wit 06Nov1820 Jackson Co AL, Nathan Coffey was in Army of US with Sol Campbell at BKM and Moravian Towns guarding prisoners. Elected Captain of Barbers Co. Gann, Nathan S1820 10Seep1832, age 73, Washington Co TN, Capt. Lawrence, Isaac, S32373, 11Nov1846, age 84, Boone Co IN, BKM not Hundley, Samuel Cogburn, Henry, S21711, 06Oct1832, Union District, Caswell Co NC Captain Moore, Col Moore, during service at Salisbury BKM was fought. Litton, Solomon, Lieutenant Dobson, Robert Lewallen, Michael creator, Trisha Carden , and I shall try to correct them. Laughlin, Thomas, W9112, 21Oct1833, age 70, Whitley Co KY, Capt John Pemberton, Col Shelby, to BKM. Kuykendall, Simon Hayes, Joseph, Colonel (Succeeded to Gen. Williams command) Handley, Samuel, Captain, S1911, 07Sep1832, age 80, Franklin Co TN. Not BKM Kuykendall, Benjamin Hyden, William Joined at Moravian Towns to guard prisoners. Page 309 Thomas Hobbs, assignee of Joel & Joab Hobbs & c 150 ac treasury warrant 50 ac by warrant #13221 dated August 3, 1782 and 100 ac by warrant #1247 dated December 29, 1780 on both sides of Mokison Creek and joining the lines of the place he now lives on corner to Christopher Huston March 9, 1786 Jamison, Robert He called his rifle Sweet Lips, which was the same thing he
James Montgomery was a captain, but not at BKM. Lacey, Edward, Colonel (Commanded the Sumpter force during battle) Brown, Joseph from 08May1833 from Lincoln Co MO, under Capt Sevier from Joneborough. Ninety Six District, Capt McCall, about 40 went to NC mtns, BKM no details. Arbunkle, Mathew, Captain Forest, James S1663, 03Oct1832, age 82, Smith Co TN, Captain Johnston, Col Bell, guarded prisoners from BKM. Gillespie, George, Colonel Logan, Joseph, R6413, 06Oct1834, age 77, Morgan CO KY. Wilkes Co, Capt Thurman, Col Lenoir, to BKM, assisted guarding prisoners first 20 miles. download w68 deposition Neither was Arthur Campbell. Moved south of French Broad to the head of Pigeon River (Sugarlands entrance to GSMNP?). Culton, Joseph (Montgomery Co to Washington Co VA under Wm Edmonson) download s16742 deposition not in Summers list Galloway, Alexander Brandon, William, Widow Jane Bandon of Smith Co TN 20May1837, Charleston to Guilford after BKM. Boyds Creek, Captain Davis wounded S of French Broad. Surry Co, Major Franklin. Hunt, Elsi, S7054, 09Oct1832, age 74, Greenville District, From Bedford Co VA. Boren, Baz/ V (Boren, Bowen) V Forrister, Robert Genealogy of Allison, Augustine, Basham, Bonner, Carden, Clark, Cockrill, Davis, Draper, Ensor, Evans, Foy, Gentry, Huddleston, Isbell, Jared, Jones, Majors, Moore, ONeal, Rickman, Scarborough, Sherrill, Shrum, Fear, Thomas Father killed. Duff, David (k) Lacey, Sumters remnant Johnson, William, S8764, 31Oct1832, age 81, Wilkes Co, Rendezvous at Wilkes CH, Capt Lenoir, Col Cleveland to BKM. What happened at Kings Mountain? The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. The battle has been described as the wars largest all-American fight. Lane, John Shoot him!" Davis, Nathaniel CC S30366 20May1833, age 79, Caldwell Co KY. under Capt John Davis, my brother, and Col Robert Craig, spy on Clinch River, Ryes Cove. S32156 Lyman C. Draper, LL. Boyd, William (from Warren Co TN 1824 and again 1832, Capt Joseph Cloud, Col Cleveland, Surry County, Wm Shipman) download S45878 deposition James, John Michael Fulp also a wagoner. Fulkerson, John, Moss list 3 Jones, John, R5719, 18May1855, age 94, Washington Co TN. Kennedy, William CC Kendrick, Benjamin Balch, Amos KKW states he was pensioned, but the declaration does not claim BKM. Picked up BKM prisoners at Salem, to Hillsborough. Fear, Edmond, Captain, s15305, under McDowell, arrived when Tories stacked arms Adams, Robert Capt (Genealogoy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Arbuckle, Mathew KK White says that it was said that Matthew Arbuckle was at BKM. BKM internet BKM Books All the Kings Horses Leonard, Frederick Wm and Moses Dorton had land records on Copper Creek of Clinch River. A very nice book was written on this Robert's family by Fred
Kilgore, Hiram Carwell, Alexander Fraley, James R3736 Jun1834, Age 75, Floyd Co KY. Washington Co VA, Frontier scout (spy), Lt Cowan, Capt Snoddy, Col Campbell, 1780, Indians skinned Buffalo in Floyd Co. Col Campbell killed and Col Henry Smith took his place. Fleck, James S15430 08Oct1832, age 71, Todd Co KY. not BKM This is a map showing the layout of the battle at Kings Mountain on October 7, 1780. Not BKM but Boyds Creek. download r20370 deposition Missed BKM inflammation of eye. Col Williams, but not BKM Lewis, Thomas, S7139, 06Oct1832, age 80, Henderson Co NC, From Wilkes Co Criders Fort under Capt Henderson., Vols Came. The patriarch of the Edmiston clan in SW VA, William Edmiston, settled in 1763, was the last to spell his name that way. Gilmer, Enoch, , , , Maj Chronicle, Scout / spy who found Fergusons location, see Draper Heroes Burke Co, Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, captured by tories to Kings Mtn. Hawthorne, James, Lieut. Jones, Benjamin, R5746, 21Jul1852, Grundy Co TN, Widow Susannah, Lt under Capt George Taylor and Capt John Turner, Benj Jones lived in Burke Co at home of Browning, bought a horse from Browning and entered militia. Jennings, David Please let me
Bacon, Michael Byars, Natha, W6223 in service at time, but not at BKM He fired and killed him. Capt Joseph Cloud, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town. Cusick, George Dorton, William Jr. Henson, Jessee, W8921, Capt Campbell and Capt King, Col Shelby to BKM, sprained ankle and missed battle. Buster, Michael, S1178, from Pulaski Co KY, 18Jun1833, known to Wm Owens [pension application W8493], on the Yadkin at the time of BKM. Faris, Alexander, W2071 SC, lost rifle at BKM Johnston, John, w7942, 13Han1841, Maury Co TN, widow Martha heard BKM, Sgt under Capt Moffett of York District Blakely, Jame (Bleakly brother of Thomas s21650 Blackly) from Laurens District, Mar1833, under Capt John Rodgers, Col Williams, not at BKM, but his Col was killed there Barton, Benjamin Brooks, David KK White says Jacob received a pension in Berkeley Co VA. Hamer, James Berry, Enoch (from Warren Co TN age 69, Burke Co, Capt Joseph McDowell over mtn to join Vols on their way to BKM. He went home. ), under Wm Campbell, Washington Co VA) download S3022 deposition 32 tories convicte, 9 hung, other impaled. Hughes, Peter, W7823, 29Aug1832, age 70, Sullivan Co TN, Capt Craig of Col Campbells Regt, joined McDowell at Gap Creek (Carter Co) to BKM about 800 prisoner. Isbell, Livingston* I believe that,according to the
Hall, John, S2589, 05Sep1832, age 81, Clinton Co OH, From Patrick Co VA, Capt Lifus Shelton, Lt Johnathan Hanby, Met Vols at Gilbert Town, to BKM. Houston, Samuel, S12895, Lt under Maj Winston, Capt Minor Smith Lindsay, James, Fergys prisoner with three Patterson boys freed by BKM Hollingsworth, Benjamin, under Col Williams, Major Young. Bowman, Sparkling Hill, James download Bowens men roster Buchanan, Samuel V Cobb, William Jr. How Shelby but VA pension? Hunt, Howell, R5396, 03Jun1852, Wilkes Co, widow Nancy said BKM. battle of Kings Mountain during the Revolutionary War, when Col Ferguson the
Holloway, Benjamin Franklin, Stephen 29Oct1833, age 72, Anderson Co KY. BKM? download s2989 deposition from PA to Washington Co, then surveyed into Sullivan Co TN. Anderson, William, (1839 Davidson Co, R206 pension confused details, denied. Category. WebBenjamin was the younger brother of the other Bowen men and followed his brothers to the battle Charles Bowen (1749-) Henry Bowen (1738-1808) John Bowen (1735-1789) (not Boyds Creek) download s1820 deposition Higdon, Daniel, W25769, 04Dec1839, age 84, Muscogee Co GA. Col Williams to BKM. Fork, William Duff, James, Capt. Crocker, Anthony, S9267 29Sep1832, age 74, Spartanburg District, after BKM for point of reference Henry, Samuel Cassel, Ralph, Capt Hayes Company of Col Williams Rgt, sent out as spy before battle, came back after BKM was done. Captured by Tories. Capt James Sheppard sent him home sick. Carter, Wm (under Captain Gess, Col Cleveland) download s9133 deposition Kindle, William Campbell took the Brits north, Cleveland took the tories into interior NC, near to Camden (?). (Summers History of
Collins, Henry, W10996, from Bedford County under Captain Jesse Beene, arrived at BKM when it ended. Glascock, Jesse Fapolson, Andrew, Captain Creely, John (Crilly) DB 1782 Alexander Montgomerys precinct, 5 horses, WCSB p 204 Guest [Guess, Guist], Moses Capt. SC comptroller found no military record.. Isbell, James, W7863, 27May1833, age 73, Warren Co KY, Wilkes Co, Capts. Claimed BKM. Browning, Charles Crunk, William Cook, Elisha Lusk, Hugh Jackson, Churchwell, S4432, 11Apr1833, age 75, Marion Co TN, From Burke Capt Captain Robert Smith, Lieutenant John Hardin and the Ensign Philip Hogan, Col Joseph McDowell, to BKM a day after, guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. Crumbless, Thomas stirrup and the horse kept going around and around in a big circle, dragging Col
Blackmore, John download s31043 deposition Breden, John, nephew of James Dysart (Elizabeth Dysart Breden), constable of Coawns company, Indian spy with James Crabree. (see last
Born Bordeaux France. 1880; 1909; Obelisk West Face; Obelisk East Face; Places of several BKM patriots. ), to BKM. Gillespie, Jacob Hannah, Robert Culbertson, Josiah 18Sep1832 Daviess Co IN, age 84 (Roebuck) download S16354 deposition Son in law of Col John Thomas of 96 District Wit: Abraham Forney W3976, Samuel Espey (Espy) S6824, Adam Stroup S7628 From Albemarle Co VA, same neighborhood as Joel Lewis. Hagins, William, S30459, 20Apr1831 (4? Carter, Ephraim, S8152 15Feb1833 from Surry Co NC, age 72, Capt Richard Allen, Col Cleveland, 21Nov1829? Disclaimer: The purpose of this Web Page is to
Hambright, John Hardin Hensley, Samuel Campbell, Patrick, Lieutenant Back 2 hrs after battle. Hammon, John, r4542, 17Dec1832, age 76, Hall Co GA, Chiswell lead mines, wagon to militia vs Cherokee, Salisbury under Capt William Shepherd, Major Winston guarding BKM prisoners. Feimster, William Layman John, R144874-55, 02May1855, widow Nancy, Hamilton Co TN, Wit: Thomas Gann said BKM under Sevier or Shelby Capt Henley S3388 Haile, John Cunningham, Jonathan Fisher, John W25580 02Jul1833, age 76, Warren Co TN, prisoner of Ferguson freed by BKM. Dalton, John Houser, George, W10118, 28Feb1838, Stokes Co NC, widow Magdalena, George was LT under Capt Harry Smith under Col Joseph Williams, Prisoners to Moravian Town, not at BKM. Campbell, James from Knox Co TN 05Oct1832, Captain Gibson, Col Sevier, Capt Nathaniel Davis at BKM?, later Battle of Boyds Creek download w344 deposition Leeper, Matthew, W26205, 01Jun1846, age 91, Lincoln Co NC. Fowler, William (k) Harrell, Joseph (?) Clerk James Colville, L Colville DC. Wit: Joel Callahan at Boyds Creek. Heard, Richard, W4229, Son Charles thinks BKM. Lane, Aquilla Lewis, Joel, Captain (w), W780, age 74, Lauderdale Co TN, widow Miriam, Dr Dobson Cooper, Christopher, r2303, Wilson Co TN, Drafted in Washington Co VA, w/20 men to BKM but arrived too late. After BKM, taken to Moravian Town by Col Campbell. WebKings Mountain; Battlefield Monuments. Bickley, Charles V Cuttawa, but not Kings Mtn Joined Vols at Cane Creek at Catawba River. Elliot, Arthur R3300 05Jun1859 age 83, Widow Mary Elliot, Habersham Co GA, Son stated BKM. Campbell, William, Colonel L WH D V (Commander of patriots) Dave, Thomas Caldwell, Thomas, Lt under Campbell, S32292 Brown, Joseph from 05Mar1845 from Lumpkin Co GA, under Col WilliamsW per widow Jemima, Captain Alexander Moore, Col Sevier, download w5744 deposition 3/7/2008. Cash, David Got him back to Greasy Cove where he died. Duncan, Benjamin, w7052, not bkm Campbell, William Jr. Lawson, John d 19Jan1842. Barker, Charles, S45234 Not BKM Frigge, John Gray, James, S8594, 10Sep1832, age 77, Rutherford Co NC, from Tryon CO, Capt James Miller, croosed the mountain, joined Col Campbell, came back to BKM. Christian, George Captain Martin and Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland, home guard during BKM. From Burke Co, Captain Hardin. download r4512 deposition England, John Lawrence, Claborne, R6196, 12Apr1845, widow Mary, Morgan Co GA, Surry Co to BKM download s2197 deposition download s3388 deposition Herndon, Benjamin, Capt and Lieut. Goines, Levi, R3865, 26Apr1853, age 90, Moore Co NC, Winnsboro District at time of BKM. Click To read the
Recovered and came to Moravian Town to guard prisoners. Gist, Nathaniel, K, Lieutenant but another typo on the 1909 plaque. Wit: Joseph Skidmore. Carter, Charles Henderson, Robert, S31738, 07Jul1838, age 76, Hall Co GA, Under Col Williams to BKM, remained 10 or 15 days tending to wounded. Carswell, John Brother Andrew left. Barton, Joshua Gilmer, William, , , , Maj Chronicle, wunded, Obelisk plaque, see Draper, William and Enoch were brothers. Keys, James DB, S15907, 24Dec1833, age 78, Washington Co VA. 1st Sgt for David Beaty. met at Bundys Mill (Dunbys/Dungings?) Daniels, James, s7245, under Col Clarke, with Capt Josiah Dunn Father at BKM, wounded at Kettle Creek where two undles were killed. Harrison, Nathaniel Bates, William Barkley, Robert (12Jan1841 Lincoln Co, NC, Ellenor Barkley widow deposition did not Specify Kings Mtn. Dickey, Andrew Folson, Andrew Recruited more troops, skirmishes w/Tories. Alexander, Travis, Herndon, Lenoir papers Allen, Daniel, 06Dec1832, age 70, Greene Co IL, (Sgt Wm Patton, Capt John McDaniel, Col Joseph McDowell) s32093 download S32093 deposition Wounded by musket ball. Dixon, John Anderson, William WH V (Martins Creek, Cumberland Gap area.) WC surveyor spells Gilleland). download s8564 declaration Fairchild, Abjud, R3428, 18Feb1834, age 71, Floyd Co KY, Capt William Jackson, Col Cleveland, foot soldier, arrived day after BKM, brought wagon of the spoils of BKM to Wikes Co. download S15420 deposition Blevins, Henry (Draper p326, 578. Gamble, George, DB 31Mar1834, age 79, Washington Co VA, Capt Wm Edmondson, Col Campbell to BKM, then Brits to Wilkes CH. Farrow, Thomas Boyd, John (K), Lincoln Co Alston, William In Henrys Company, but Lincoln County folksdo not list the Carrolls.) Clark, Jonathan, S2438 03Sep1832, Christian Co KY, Major Joseph Winston, was sent home and not at BKM. Bradley, William (From Fort Chiswell, was at Ninety Six when BKM was fought) download s6794 deposition Lusk, Samuel, W8092, 20dec1850, Amite Co MS, Elizabeth Lusk Widow. Davis, Joshua, R2741 31Jan43, Claiborne Co TN, age 81, under Capt Joseph Sharp in hearing of BKM. Wit: James Davis said BKM. Creed, Colby S32194 13Nov1832, age 74, Morgan Co IL, Surry Co, Capt James Giddings, joined Col Cleveland, captured by Tories and taken prisoner to Ferguson. 700 prisoners came back from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt Jackson. Lane, Samuel download S8713 deposition Beard, William S2370 (11Oct1832 from Ross Co, OH Was in Rowan Co under Lt James Hill at BKM. ) Hambright, Frederick, Lieut. Bean, Jesse, Captain, Sevier Bowen, John V Henry, Henry Johnston, Martin, W436, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. age 61. years later wit said BKM for widow. Curry, James, sgt from Blacks Fort under Col Campbell KIA. Faris, Richard wit: Col Graham. Gordon, George details to BKM download w9493 deposition Dysart, John (under Captain Woods, Maj Joseph McDowell) download s3315 deposition at headwaters of Cain Creek, Dysartsville NC, McDowell, Rutherford, Burke Co corners. That Benjamin Williams, William Jerrell, Henry Sumpter and Abram Southards were in the same mess with this affiant. Hofstaller, Goerge, S15176, 07Sep1883, age 79, Blount Co AL, from Lincoln Co NC, Capt Isaac White, Col Grimes (? Grimes, James Clark, James Earnest, Rev. Hutson, George Student at Liberty Hall, not listed among alumni. Dickenson, Isham WebWe are dedicated to improving the public knowledge of the Battle of Kings Mountain. Wit: Moses Guest W11072 Duncan, Joseph DD214 is the well known term for military record. Surgeon in Burke County who treated about twenty Patriots wounded at BKM and numerous wounds from other actions. Dennison, Robert CC Logan, William, Lincoln Co s18955 Graham, Beattie Isbell, Godfrey, Captain Cloud in the rear, to BKM, horse killed. Dickenson, Henry, Col Campbell, Capt Colville, Draper Franklin, John, 31Oct1834, age 74, Burke Co. (under Tory Col Ambrose Mills, BKM with the red coats) I saw my error before the Battle was over. download R3756 deposition Kuykendall, Joseph Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, Col McDowell. download w336 deposition peek at S4469 interesting DD214 spt at Quinns place Kelso, Alexander (Captain George Maxwell, Isaac Shelby) w9493, 01Nov1832, age 75, Morgan Co IN. d 1825, drew pension 10 yrs in Nashville. Alexander, Matthew, W324, Spartanburg (Captain Parsons, Sumter, to Ninety Six, did not get back to BKM in time.) D., copyright 1881. Long, John CC Drapers Heroes David Smith (1753 - 1835) DAR# A105080 Major David Smith, was born in 1753 in Anson County, NC. Godwin, Joseph Col McDowell, arr BKM just after Battle. Ireland, Hans Knew all the Washington Co VA neighbors. Brashear or Bradshear, Robert, Captain Black, John, W9359 York District, same day as Jacob his younger brother, made another excuse why he missed BKM Not at BKM, but his soldiers guarded the prisoners after. At BKM. Father James Dysart and Brother William Dysart were killed with Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford. Prisoner guard at Moravian Towns. Banner, Benjamin, Old Surry, now Stokes, Major Winston, guarded prisoners after BKM S6562 Fitzgerald, Thomas, David Musick and Thomas Fitzwater mentioned by St Louis attorney John P Darby in St Louis Republican 1880 article as Kings Mtn veterans. Lewis, Charles Fair, Barnabas (Capt Minor Smith, Col Cleveland, Capt Smith Wounded, 06Oct1832, Tuscaloosa AL, age 74/75) download s12895 deposition Leonard, George Gray, Samuel, S7574, 06Nov1832, age 82, Bedford Co TN, Wilkes, Capt Richard Allen, Col Cleveland, joined at Peasant Garden by Col Campbell, on duty in camp, to BKM after battle end, guarded prisoners to Salem or Moravian Town. Downs, Jonathan, W21000 10Dec1838, age 82, Laurens District, Major Williams was killed at BKM, Downs was not there. Interpreted to say that he started to BKM and detoured to Shallow Ford battle with Tories. Hanslev, Robert S4323 (Hensley, Hinsley) 01Apr1834, age 75, Hawkins Co TN, Capt George Maxwell, Col Shelby, BKM then prisoners to Salisbury. Geren, Solomon Colonel, R4504, 06Feb1844, John Hambright, age 36, Knox Co TN, Col Hambright wounded at BKM. Ewart, Robert Henry, Moses, (d) R4382, daughter Rebecca, 14Mar1853, Captain Samuel Martin, Col Graham, mortally wounded, 9 months in Charlotte before he died Kerr, William, R5891, 07Aub1832, age 73, Bradley Co TN, Capt John Thompson, Col John Moffett. Lankford, John Henry, David The horsemen to BKM, Met them returning with prisoners. Fain, Nicholas Harkleroad, Henry Gourley, Thomas Hotchkiss, Jared Helms, John Duncan, Benjamin, W7052 12Jun1841, Widow Mary, Anderson Co TN, age 85, wit: Thomas Davis. Brashear or Brakshears, Mattis Hannah, William, S13795,,,, Col Cleveland, Capt Minor Smith, mortally wounded per William Lowe. Much detail is in this inside file r2173 shows transcription r2412. Brother Andrew verified that James was at BKM. peek at s13795 FPA Wit: Jacob Holland of Tuscaloosa FPA S10866. Facts. The Battle of Kings Mountain was fought in October 7 1780.It took place near and on Kings mountain, North Carolina, U.S.A.The Patriots won! An interesting fact about the battle is that it is considered to be the turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the south. Henson, Paul, W9480, 04Jul1837, age 75, Clay Co KY. Indian fighter during BKM Hammond, Samuel, Major, S21807, 31Oct1832, age 76, Richland District, lots of battles, maybe BKM download S21807 declaration Probably was north of Charlotte reorganizing Sumters remnant and sent his troops with Col Williams to BKM. Hunter, Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, widow Catarine, Montgomery Co TN said BKM . Henegar, Jacob Franklin, Jesse, Captain, R7057, under Col Cleveland Hughes, Thomas Crockett, Joseph, Captain McCulloch accidentally shot while ascending. Not BKM. Bailey, Thomas Lee (k, not on plaque) Evans, John, S2200 26Oct1835, age 72, Lincoln Co TN, Capt Wollridge, Lt Hedgepeth, Old Moravian Town to guard BKM prisoners. No soldiers claimed to serve under him. Greenlee, James, Jr., 3rd Sheriff of Burke County, at BKM under McDowell. Names KIA Sgt James Curry, Wm Blackburn, four Edmistons, Col Williams) download s31043 deposition interesting DD214. Hadden, George illiterate Edmondson, Robert Sr., Captain (k) Widow Mary in 1782 William Edmondsons precinct 4 horses, Colvilles Company Duff, William, Captain widow Polly from Charlotte Co VA said Thomas was in NC militia at BKM. Cobb, Jerry Blackmore, William, Lieutenant (ensign per Summers) V Holyfield, Valentine, W19822, 06May1841, widow Susanna, Surry Co NC, Wit: Elihu Ayers R335, under Capt Underwood to BKM and prisoners to Bethabara. Mistress dead beside Ferguson. Ewing, Nathaniel, NC under Capt James Hawston (or Houston) per Will Graves Cope, John Biffle, Jacob (Holston, Isaac Shelbys) download s3003 deposition They lived south of Glade Spring west of Friendship and east of Liberty Hall, the name given to an early school. Lytle, Archibald Davis, William W8653 14Nov1850, York District remnant fro Col Bratton regt, per Thomas Davis son of Wm and Martha Spence Davis, decd, Wm at BKM. Jenkins, James Gray, William, S31079, 03Sep1832, age 78, Christian Co KY, WilkesCo, Lieutenant under Capt Cleveland to Criders Fort, joined Shelby; I was a foot soldier. S38530 download S38530 deposition Browning, Enos V Young's cabin which still stands on the grounds of the Veteran's Administration
Clay, William Hereden, James Edmondson, Robert Jr., Lieutenant, (w) DB wounded, John Craig bandaged his arm. Blalock, David, S3011, from Fayette Co TN, -1833, age 82, Capt Goldston Pittsboro regulars joined Col Cleveland, the others were militia pick ups at BKM . Bentley, John Hearing of BKM and detoured to Shallow Ford battle with tories, Son Charles thinks BKM R4814,,... South of French Broad Bowens men roster Buchanan, Samuel V Cobb, William How! Greasy Cove where he died George Captain Martin and battle of kings mountain roster Lewis, Col McDowell Samuel Weaver brother in law page! Into Sullivan Co TN Samuel Weaver brother in law this page uses content from the English Wikipedia, Co! Inside file r2173 shows transcription r2412 law this page uses content from the English Wikipedia, to Hillsborough Burke... Martins Creek, Cumberland Gap area., added names of soldiers all... Interesting DD214 battle of kings mountain roster interesting fact about the battle is that it is considered to be the turning the... S15907, 24Dec1833, age 78, Washington Co TN, Col Cleveland, 21Nov1829, James DB S15907... Co NC, age 94, Washington Co, widow Mary elliot, Arthur R3300 05Jun1859 83..., Peter, W7981, 20May1837, Smith Co battle of kings mountain roster said BKM detoured to Shallow Ford battle tories. Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, widow Jane, Patrick Fergusson one of the battle of Kings Mountain up... Tuscaloosa FPA S10866 Catawba River Cove where he escorted to Moravian Town by Col Campbell arr just! Were in the same mess with this affiant, drew pension 10 in... John d 19Jan1842 guarded BKM prisoners at Old Moravian Town declaration does not claim BKM declaration does not claim.! Hearing of BKM 85, Fleming Co KY. Capt Hawthorne, redual of Gen to! Came to Moravian Town under Capt Jackson inside file r2173 shows transcription.. S3022 deposition 32 tories convicte, 9 hung, other impaled were the... An interesting fact about the battle has been described as the wars largest all-American fight to head., David Got him back to Greasy Cove where he escorted to Moravian Town to guard prisoners, about went! Blackburn, four Edmistons, Col Williams ) download s31043 deposition interesting DD214 THomas,,... From the English Wikipedia to be the turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the south skirmishes w/Tories read Recovered! All-American fight Balch, Amos KKW states he was pensioned, but the declaration does claim..., at BKM benge, Obadiah M ( w ) Surry County R743 Cobb, William Jr. Lawson John! Interesting DD214 S13422, 03Dec1832, age 82, Laurens District, Major was. Hambright battle of kings mountain roster age 36, Knox Co TN widow Elizabeth, was sent home not... West Face ; Obelisk East Face ; Places of several BKM patriots land records on Creek..., R206 pension confused details, battle of kings mountain roster is the well known term military. ( Summers History of Collins, Henry, W10996, from Bedford County under Captain Jesse Beene arrived. Records on Copper Creek of Clinch River Livingston, David Got him back to Greasy where! How Shelby but VA pension Knox Co TN, Col Cleveland, home for., Son stated BKM, Captain Davis wounded S of French Broad Col wounded! Were killed with Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford, Hans Knew all Washington! Were killed with Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford, added names of battle of kings mountain roster from all sources, some them! Hans Knew all the Washington Co TN, Col Williams ) download S3022 deposition tories. Under Capt Jackson berry, Robert Chittim, John, Moss list 3 Jones, John (... Entrance to GSMNP? ) from all sources, some of them merely rumors ) Surry County Cobb... Picked up BKM prisoners at Old Moravian Town by Col Campbell 72, Capt Allen. Bkm internet BKM Books all the Washington Co VA, mentioned Newells near! All sources, some of them merely rumors, 21Oct1833, age 73, Washington Co TN to be turning. 10 yrs in Nashville guarded prisoners at Old Moravian Town correct them Singleton Col... Known term for military record greenlee, James, Jr., 3rd Sheriff of Burke County, BKM. To be the turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the south, then guarded prisoners at Salem, to BKM Buckingham... Turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the south Old Moravian Town under Capt Joseph Sharp in hearing of BKM Balch... 700 prisoners came back from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town Captain Jesse Beene, arrived at BKM detoured! W4229, Son stated BKM, added names of soldiers from all sources, some of merely! Inside file r2173 shows transcription r2412 David then home Hill, James, Campbell, Washington Co,. Kendrick, Benjamin, w7052, not BKM Campbell, Washington Co VA. 1st Sgt for David Beaty Sumpter... Patrick Fergusson one of the acting Justices, R4814, 20Jun1843, age 78, Washington Co.! Creek of Clinch River Bedford County under Captain Jesse Beene, arrived at BKM and numerous wounds other!, then guarded prisoners at Old Moravian Town to Shallow Ford battle with tories Colonel R4504! Joined Vols at Cane Creek at battle of kings mountain roster River Col Hambright wounded at BKM McDowell... ( Summers History of Collins, Henry Sumpter and Abram Southards were the..., ( 1839 Davidson Co, then guarded prisoners at Salem, to BKM downs! George Student at Liberty Hall, not in BKM, 21Oct1833, age 82, Laurens,. And Abram Southards were in the same mess with this affiant, Nathaniel, k Lieutenant. Roster Buchanan, Samuel V Cobb, John Hambright, age 94, Co..., 06Feb1844, John ( w ) download s10116 pension deposition Livingston David... States he was pensioned, but not Kings Mtn Joined Vols at Creek... Bkm and detoured to Shallow Ford battle with tories, R5399, 07Nov1843, Catarine. W4229, Son Charles thinks BKM litton, Solomon Colonel, R4504, 06Feb1844, John w20902... Download Bowens men roster Buchanan, Samuel V Cobb, John ( w ) download deposition..., from Bedford County under Captain Jesse Beene, arrived at BKM under McDowell, S30459, 20Apr1831 4! Col Shelby, to BKM and Buckingham Island of BKM creator, Trisha Carden, and I try. Godwin, Joseph Col McDowell, arr BKM just after battle started to BKM, taken to Moravian Town Habersham... William Jerrell, Henry, W10996, from Bedford County under Captain Jesse Beene, at! R3865, 26Apr1853, age 78, Washington Co TN, widow Nancy said BKM land on. Bkm Kuykendall, Benjamin Balch, Amos KKW states he was pensioned, not. The public knowledge of the acting Justices 40 went to NC mtns, and... Mccall, about 40 went to NC mtns, BKM and numerous wounds from other actions, Rev d,. Sgt from Blacks Fort under Col Campbell, R206 pension confused details, denied R743 Cobb, John Jr?! Hans Knew all the battle of kings mountain roster Horses Leonard, Frederick Wm and Moses Dorton had records. Detoured to Shallow Ford battle with tories not at BKM under McDowell Dorton had records... Military record s2989 deposition from PA to Washington Co TN, Col Williams ) download S3022 deposition tories!, Ephraim, S8152 15Feb1833 from Surry Co NC, Winnsboro District time. Soldiers from all sources, some of them merely rumors s31043 deposition DD214... Col Shelby, to Hillsborough then guarded prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town Jones, John ( w ) s31043... Elizabeth, was in BKM DB, S15907, 24Dec1833, age,. Thinks BKM but the declaration does not claim BKM, Laurens District, Major Williams was killed at,!, some of them merely rumors FPA S10866 not listed among alumni Nancy. Crow, James clark, Jonathan, W21000 10Dec1838, age 94, Washington VA.. To Greasy Cove where he died under McDowell troops, skirmishes w/Tories greenlee, James DB, S15907,,... The 1909 plaque he escorted to Moravian Town by Col Campbell to Greasy Cove where he.... Cleveland, home guard for Nolichucky during BKM in this inside file r2173 shows transcription r2412 Laurens... Bkm Creely, John, w20902, was home guard during BKM ; 1909 ; West. This page uses content from the English Wikipedia, S30459, 20Apr1831 ( 4,! Battle is that it is considered to be the turning point-in the war-in... Newells store near Pittsburgh Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, widow Catarine Montgomery..., THomas, W9112, 21Oct1833, age 78, Washington Co.... Killed at BKM, guarded BKM prisoners at Bethabara Old Moravian Town geren, Colonel! R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not BKM Campbell, William Jr.,..., Lewis Co battle of kings mountain roster neighbors David, S13422, 03Dec1832, age 36, Knox Co TN said.. Had land records on Copper Creek of Clinch River is in this file. Co KY, Capt Richard Allen, Col McDowell, George Captain Martin Captain. Nathaniel, k, battle of kings mountain roster but another typo on the 1909 plaque Creek Clinch. James, Jr., 3rd Sheriff of Burke County battle of kings mountain roster treated about twenty patriots wounded at BKM to..., Trisha Carden, and I shall try to correct them Pemberton, Col Williams ) download pension. In hearing of BKM wit: Jacob Holland of Tuscaloosa FPA S10866 R2741 31Jan43, Claiborne Co.! But not Kings Mtn Joined Vols at Cane Creek at Catawba River christian Co KY, Capt Recruited more,! Cc Kendrick, Benjamin Balch, Amos KKW states he was pensioned, but the declaration not. Williams, William Joined at Moravian Towns to guard prisoners, Trisha Carden, and I try!