Phone: (562) 570-7381. Cartman successfully imbues the tastes of several different restaurant chains foods into his own burgers by farting on them. As of "Dead Celebrities", he seems to be more passive toward Kyle, greeting him with only " 'Sup, Jew?". In "200" however, Cartman's hand/puppet Mitch Conner reveals that what Cartman was told was a lie and that Liane was not Cartman's father. Cousins Und wunderhbsch, wunderhbsch. Eric Theodore Cartman, usually referred to by his family name, Cartman, is one of the central characters of South Park . In the episode "Best Friends Forever", Kenny states in his will that he felt sorry for Cartman because of his inability to feel compassion and empathy, and the fact that he will almost certainly end up bitter, miserable, and alone for the rest of his life. so much that the latter starts crying. Cartman and Stan's friendship is clearly existent but it is very tense. Learn More About The New Episode - Japanese Toilets, South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! | Scott Winters/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images Related ("It is time for revenge") and the crowd replies "Wir mssen die Juden ausrotten!" On another occasion he was able to convince the majority of the adults of South Park (as well as many people from other cities and the entire state of South Carolina) to nearly take over the U.S. via an out-of-hand re-enactment of the Civil War, as long as he kept them drunk so they would not realize what they were doing. Cartman's perceived stupidity by his friends can be attributed to his sometimes naive, careless behavior. Cartman, with the help of Butters, then snuck into Kyle's room and intentionally gave Kyle AIDS. In "Raisins", Bebe tells Stan that Wendy wants to break up with Stan, leading to a heated argument between Cartman and Bebe, Cartman calls Bebe a whore numerous times to which Bebe calls Cartman a fat ass. Cartman's shining accomplishment (according to Comedy Central's list of "Cartman's 25 Greatest Moments") came in the episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die", a testimony to Cartman's hidden ingenuity and cunning, as well as the full extent of his cruelty and mental imbalance. "; Cartman then licks Scotts tears saying, "Let me lick your tears Scott. Cartman has the tendency to pull pranks on Butters while he is asleep. In "Bass to Mouth", when Mr. Mackey claimed that Cartman killed himself for being fat when the school faculty "threw him under the bus", Stan was only concerned with preventing Eavesdropper from publishing the biggest story. Scott is traumatized and horror-stricken, and Cartman gloats and laughs hysterically at the inconsolable Tenorman, while licking Scott's "tears of unfathomable sadness" off his face with intense pleasure. Indeed, the others consistently show a willingness to follow him and trust in his leadership when he is using his abilities for "good.". In "Cartmanland" Cartman says "He dies all the time" and brushes his death off easily because he will come back tomorrow. However, when Wendy decides to fight him regardless, he is quite spectacularly defeated. Cartman also rises into the air after a chain of naughty words, including "Barbra Streisand". ", Cartman saves Kyle and his family when a large storm is about to go towards their house in San Francisco. In "Imaginationland", Cartman makes a bet with Kyle, stating that if he can prove that leprechauns are real, then Kyle will suck his balls. and began performing CPR on his dying "friend". He never actually struck anyone with these weapons, although it is pretty obvious he could have. You get a boner, slap her titties around some, then stick it inside her and pee". In "Fatbeard", growing sick of school, he devises a plan to go to Somalia to become a pirate. Cartman then coolly tells Scott how his parents died, hints at what happened to their remains, and inquires about his chili: "Do you like it? He tried to help Kyle delete Kip Drordy and get new friends by using Chat Roulette, but the only result he got were men masturbating and pictures of penises. Eventually when he lost the race to Patty, Cartman apologized to him for his behavior - a rare event indeed - and Kenny (most likely) forgave Cartman. Cartman is mostly known by his family name, and most characters, including Stan, Kyle, Wendy, and Tolkien, call him by his surname. He believes that ginger kids are the most evil people in the world and that they have no souls, which is clearly false. Everyone but Kyle likes the story, including Stan. He is the only one not invited to the girls' party in ", Cartman saved Kyle for the sole reason to pick on him and have something to do in ". However, it is possible he is using it as a generic insult, such as calling someone a "dick". However, Liane seems to be one of the only humans whom Cartman genuinely cares about; it was only his much-repressed conscience that kept him from killing her in the same episode. First The worst of these include hate crimes, incarcerating hippies, whaling, and kidnapping Butters. In "Goobacks", Cartman threatens Kyle and it leads to Kyle giving Cartman a bloody nose. Cartman is extremely anti-Semitic, and a great many of his bigoted actions are directed towards all Jews and especially toward his Jewish friend Kyle, whom he openly hates and considers sub-human because of his faith. In the earlier seasons, Kenny was often painted as Cartman's much abused sidekick, although this role has been filled by Butters since Season Six. He often idolizes people whom he feels share his various bigotries and aims. He also has displayed traits of gender confusion; he occasionally has tea parties with stuffed dolls (pretending they are talking about how cool he is), owns a (supposed) female cat named "Mr. Kitty", and in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", he was seen re-enacting a scene from The Silence of the Lambs as Buffalo Bill with a rag doll he named Polly Prissy-Pants trapped down a well. Also, in "Cartman Sucks", Cartman takes up his hobby of inviting Butters over, just to take embarrassing photos of him. He shows signs of not only anti-social behavior, but also sadism, identity issues, sexual confusion, psychosis, psychopathic nature, and narcissism. He is also racist and stereotypes almost everyone he sees. Cartman's admiration for Hitler is further emphasized in "The Entity", after being offered $40 by Kyle not to tease Kyle's cousin, Kyle Schwartz. In "Kenny Dies", Cartman sings "Heat of the Moment" to the United States House of Representatives convincing them to vote in favor of stem cell research. In the film South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Cartman is shown singing in mock versions of Chinese, French, Dutch and an unidentified African language by singing "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch". Considering Cartman was voicing the toys, this could imply that a small part of a Cartman despises himself, and that the insult was a subconscious slip. Cartman's head can be seen in the ACT Easts picture under the name Adam Doyle.25 "Greatest" Moments (October 2005). Karpman's retorts against that further convinced Trey that "The Fat Kid" had to be named Cartman. His sexism also made him turn his own mom into a personal slave who spoils Eric with anything he wanted, however, she started to resist him in "Tsst". He also gives Clyde a nasty cut after kicking him in the face, showing his jumping abilities and the amount of force he can kick with. Also in "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" he threw a rock at Tolkien, giving him a black eye. Enraged, Cartman yells in despair, "No, he has a strong heart, he wants to live!!!" In "Dead Celebrities" Cartman shows surprising respect and loyalty to Billy Mays for introducing him to the product Chipotlaway, which allows him to continue eating at Chipotle despite the fact that it causes blood to stain his underwear. In "The Simpsons Already Did It", after discovering that semen will fertilize his sea-people, he goes to a sperm bank to collect "sea-men". Cartman complains "Mom! Other examples include Cartman's strong distaste of hippies, to the point that he has personally kept them out of South Park since he was 4 years old, and his belittlement of the Catholic Church as extremist, homophobic, and a supporter of pedophiles (in "Medicinal Fried Chicken"). He has a long history of criminal records. As it turns out, Cartman is told that Christian record companies only hand out gold, frankincense and myrrh records, so Faith + 1, as Christian artists, will never have a platinum album (which is not true in real life), meaning that Kyle technically did not lose the bet and never will. Cartman, in the meantime, researched the virus and found out that Magic Johnson had AIDS for decades and is still alive. This may echo the Scott Tennorman incident, stressing the importance of why it is not a good idea to provoke Cartman, as terrible consequences may ensue if you are not within his immediate "circle of friends". Cartman is also seen as a not very good swimmer in "Summer Sucks". Criminal Record Murder: In " Butt Out ", Cartman stabbed Rob Reiner , essentially killing him. He has some Dutch and Irish descent, as in "Tom's Rhinoplasty", he mentions that his grandmother (Mabel) is Dutch-Irish. Over 314 episodes, he's racked up quite the list of crimes, including kidnapping, attempted murder, piracy, and terrorism. South Park is a long-running animated sitcom consisting of 25 seasons.Focusing on four crude and vulgar friends, South Park is full of hilarious characters. His yarmulke resembles the blue hat with yellow puff that he wears in childhood. [2], Contrary to popular belief that Cartman's name was derived from German war-pilot Erich Hartmann (which would reflect his love of Hitler and the Nazis), Cartman's name and personality are based on Matt Karpman, a friend of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Liane dotes on her son endlessly, beyond simply spoiling him. Despite these traits, Cartman rarely commands respect from his peers. Bankruptcy filing history. In A Song of Ass and Fire, there is a picture of Cartman and Kenny sitting next to each other at Casa Bonita, even though Cartman slams down the photo because Kenny 'betrayed' him by switching to PlayStation 4 instead of sticking with Xbox 1. He has medium-brown hair and a double-chin. In the real world, he has a Facebook account which is run by someone from South Park Studios. His most recent use of the weapon was in "PC Principal Final Justice", where he threatens his mother at gunpoint, who soon after reciprocated the action. ", Cartman was assigned and paired up with Heidi to take of an egg for a school assignment, later when Cartman broke the egg he begged Ms. Garrison to give her an "A" and give him an "F", this could possibly prove that Cartman cares and has feelings for her, however in later episodes it does not show much of them having a relationship. He used it to "persuade" Kyle into giving him his Jew Gold in "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow." This is most apparent in "Asspen" and "Cartman Sucks". According to their mutual friend Jonathan Korty, Trey came up with the name Cartman during a Super Bowl party on 29 January 1995. Following that, in "Wieners Out", it is revealed by Cartman the two are now a couple and he claims to be wiser from the experience. Also, in "My Future Self n' Me" he spoke to Mexican workers in fluent Spanish, suggesting that he is, in fact, fluent or knows a few phrases. South Park Archives is a FANDOM TV Community. in the "Chickenlover" episode is covered by The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It was revealed in the episode, "Doubling Down", that Heidi tolerates Cartman's abuse towards her because she does not want to admit she made a mistake when she became his girlfriend. Later in the episode it is revealed, during the process of painfully crapping it out, that the treasure is fake and used for photographs for tourists at the caves. This implies he has a strong hatred for her, however he is defensive of her whenever her promiscuous nature comes into question during earlier seasons, as well as being disturbed during "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut" to discover she was a star in a German pornographic video. If Cartman has split personalities, then he has, or rather had, at least five; Cartman gave only Clyde Frog a funeral in ", Cartman's fear of being branded as "The Poor Kid" is actually very legitimate, as in ". He acted as Cartman's right-hand man and second in command, Cartman usually going to him when he needed something done. Cartman was the first one of the boys to be shown without his hat, as seen in "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!". With. If you like this article you can also visit . In "Red Hot Catholic Love", he won $20 in a bet with Kyle, but, instead of using the money, he simply kept flaunting it in front of Kyle until Kyle conceded that Cartman was right, ruining his sense of victory and causing him to throw a tantrum (and apparently even abandon the money and having it given back to Kyle). Created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, he first appeared in the short films both entitled The Spirit of Christmas in 1992 and 1995. Their first meeting was in "Scott Tenorman Must Die", in which Scott sold Cartman his pubic hair, convincing Cartman it would signify maturity for him. Eric Cartman, who dislikes foreigners, speaks Spanish and German in My Future Self n' Me and Pestemic, but it shows he can also. In "The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer", when Shelley walks in the living room and changes the channel while the boys are watching TV, Cartman tries to manipulate Shelley into letting the boys continue watching by telling her that he thinks she is hot. In "Cartman Sucks" he repeatedly invited Butters over to spend the night to play pranks on him, until it backfired on him and he made an inappropriate picture which featured him putting Butter's penis in his mouth, and which ended up being showed to the entire fourth grade class, humiliating Cartman instead of Butters. MMM, they're so yummy and sweet. Prototype The running gag feeds in with the character's undying narcissism and entitlement, fostered by his oblivious mother, who always gives in to him. In the episode "AWESOM-O", Butters reveals to the residents of South Park a video of Cartman dressed as Britney Spears, while dancing around a cardboard cut-out of Justin Timberlake, which he apparently later made out with. In "The Passion of the Jew", Cartman also speaks German, but most of his words are mispronounced, leading us to assume he only knew a few Nazi slogans. But given the fact that it caused a large argument in the middle of the city between his group and some Jews, and given the violent and ignorant nature of most adults in South Park, it would not be surprising if it had turned into violence if allowed to continue. Who just shot me?! According to the creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they thought it would be impossible to put a character like Archie Bunker on late-20th century television. In fact, he is a racist, sexist, and specialist. [5] Although Cartman is initially modeled after Archie Bunker, Toni Johnson-Woods, author of Blame Canada: South Park and Contemporary Culture, says that she believes Cartman also draws parallels to Jackie Gleason of The Honeymooners, and Fred Flintstone.[6]. However, in "Chef Goes Nanners", after they were working together on the flag debate, he entertained her by talking through two action figures. This passive attitude however seemed to be only temporary, as seen in "Crippled Summer", in which during Towelie's intervention on national TV, each of the boys is asked to read a pre-written statement about their feelings for Towelie. In the future timeline set in South Park: Post Covid, Cartman is supposedly converted into Judaism. But, Cartman takes advantage of this and finds Butters extremely easy to manipulate and convert to his point of view, or get him to do what he wants. In 2003, he was chosen as one of "VH1's 200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons", at number 198. Cartman is featured as the lead singer (Geddy Lee). Cartman however instead reads off a long-winded hate speech against the Jewish people (most likely the one he intended to use during "Le Petit Tourette"), where he urges the rest of the country to help him in rising up against the Jews and in which most of his speech is directed primarily towards Kyle. A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 4000The CoonTime ChildMing LeeBad IreneThe Rad RussianThe DawgGrand Wizard King However, the wrestling in which they performed was more dramatic theater in which they created complicated in depth story lines for their wrestling personas, rather than actual athletic prowess. In many episodes entire plots are centered on Cartman's antics against Butters. Butters is loosely based on Eric Stough, an animation director/producer that works on the show. For example, in "Cartoon Wars Part I", the two of them work against each other; when Cartman tries to get Family Guy canceled, Kyle tries to stop him. Oddly enough, during one incident in which Cartman's toys were 'praising' him, one of the toys called him a 'fat piece of crap' which was a surprise to Cartman himself. By. It is quite plausible, however, to assume that Cartman's obsession with his quest stems significantly from his desire to humiliate Kyle, rather than from any homosexual attraction to him. After demanding answers out of Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat, it is revealed that the paternity tests were altered and one of the people in the room at the time of revelation was indeed Cartman's father. In the Season Three episode, "The Succubus", when he cannot see Kenny (who was crushed seconds earlier) he calls out "Guys? A clip featuring South Park's chief troublemaker Eric Cartman using transgender identity politics for his own ends has gone viral 8 years after it originally aired on Comedy Central. Cartman's most passionate abhorrence is aimed at hippies, though he seems to use this term for liberals in general. In "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", it is shown that Cartman's idea of sexual intercourse is to "Stick it inside her and pee. According to Trey Parker and Matt Stone, his true passion is for all of the show's characters. 4th Grade Granted, there really has not been much focus on this particular talent of Cartman's (since most of the story plots do not focus on it) so there's virtually very little known as to how he learned these other languages so well at such a young age. A similar instance can be seen during "Cartman Sucks", although Kyle only punches Cartman in the arm. Alexandra CartmanElvin CartmanFred Cartman This penchant for ad hoc songs was specifically mentioned in "Ginger Kids". The tears of unfathomable sadness. Ironically, Cartman has an aunt who is red-haired. Also, in 2005, Cartman was ranked number nineteen on Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters. He then stated that she had been "young and needed the money", which unfortunately did not work, as Stan and Kyle pointed out that the pictures had been taken just a month ago. By farting on them!! Cartman then licks Scotts tears saying ``... 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