Myrtis Martin Allyson West: Who destroyed people's property tax details? Cyprus . This email address provides a means by which organizations and individuals can share information with the Department of State throughout the year on government progress in addressing human trafficking. 333. In Haiti, Niger, and Mali, gangs operating in IDP camps took advantage of reduced security and limited protection to force residents at the camp to perform commercial sex acts. Sex trafficking encompasses the range of activities involved when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to compel another person to engage in a commercial sex act or causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act. Algeria In response to emerging challenges, governments and civil society organizations conducted in-depth research assessments on the impacts of COVID-19, leveraged technology as a method to address emerging trends, adapted policy approaches, and sought to expand protections for victims. The DDR Committee works to equip former child soldiers with resources for income-generating activities and reintegrate them into their communities. Law enforcement officers eventually identified Benilda, and social workers assisted her in getting the help she needed. SUPPORTING SURVIVORS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Governments should continue working with neighbors and NGOs to address cross-border trafficking issues and support strong collaboration at the borders to identify and prevent trafficking. Sexual slavery, as referred to here, occurs when armed groups force or coerce children to marry or be raped by commanders or combatants. Because of her passionforthe cause to which she has committed her life,Poole works across borders to cultivate support for combating human trafficking and protecting vulnerable communities. Page 38: Panos/ Williams Daniels Palau Papua New Guinea This means that service providers can recognize signs of trauma in individuals and respond by integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, practices, and settings. The Embassy will press the Nigerian government to improve the education of its armed forces on the laws and policy against the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers and to pay particular attention to remote outposts where such incidents are more likely to occur. Jason Martin In the first seven months of the pandemic, the International Aid Transparency Initiative noted a reduction of 17 percent in bilateral donor commitments between 2019 and 2020, which included a five percent decline in ODA. Solomon Islands Consistent with the TVPA, the President may also determine to instruct the U.S. Executive Director of each multilateral development bank and the International Monetary Fund to vote against and use their best efforts to deny any loans or other uses of the institutions funds to a designated Tier 3 country for most purposes (except for humanitarian, trade-related, and certain development-related assistance). Jordan Dominican Republic International Military Education and Training $394,066 The third project, the J/TIP Track4TIP project which started in 2019 and will close off at the end of March this year, pairs the UN Office on Drugs and Crime with agencies in Aruba, Brazil, Colombia, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru and TT, to enhance the regions criminal justice response to human trafficking among migration routes involving Venezuelans. In my case, being a person of color sold by a white person to other white people was painful on multiple levels. PKO funding may also support Cameroons maritime security capabilities to combat piracy, a growing regional economic threat. I went to the city north of my hometown and started couch surfing with people from the clubs I went to. Nigeria may receive EDA for maritime security improvements in the form of former U.S. Coast Guard vessels, which have been used to improve maritime navigation and counter-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Guinea and Niger Delta. There is a big problem of Black and Brown bodies being treated differently from White bodies. Syrian detainee: Does Trinidad and Tobago Government hate us? Tonga Croatia The application of equity-based approaches. IOM adapted its existing MigApp for migrant workers in the Americas to include a new section to highlight official health recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus, capture changes across countriessuch as border restrictions, COVID-19 hotlines, or migration status changesand produce surveys to better understand the COVID-related challenges migrants faced. The TVPA provides such liability for any legal person, including a business that benefits financially from its involvement in a human trafficking scheme, provided that the business knew or should have known of the scheme. This limited approach to realizing both goals causes harm, especially when those organizations then claim they are survivor-informed but only focus on the survivors story or benefits to the organization and decline to implement the survivors recommendations or consider their feedback. Some military personnel are participating in training programs on childrens rights. Foreign domestic workers are particularly vulnerable to abuse due to language and cultural barriers, as well as a lack of community ties. This body of information provides a strong foundation from which to learn. I have said before, building a more perfect union is both an acknowledgement of our imperfection and a commitment to continue striving toward progress in a transparent way. The Department of Defense intends to re-engage with and build the capacity of the Libyan armed forces under 10 U.S.C. If a government has penalized or punished a victim in such a way, the government should vacate the conviction and/or expunge the victims record. Russia Toys, art supplies, and age-appropriate books are also provided. Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, is being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with. Finally, all services provided in the space should be trauma-informed, age-appropriate, and culturally and linguistically sensitive. Azerbaijan In addition to GNA-aligned units, others, including the self-styled Libyan National Army, have engaged in the recruitment and use of child soldiers. Vanuatu, Aruba Netherlands Leading by example, the OSR/CTHBs collaboration with the Secretariats Procurement and Contracting Unit provided for the development of internal measures and capacities to prevent TIP in the OSCEs procurement. They were routinely moved around and often unsure of where they were located. Guardian Media Newsroom. Section 4. In addition to addressing immediate needs by providing food, water, and sanitary facilities, a child-friendly space should address longer-term needs through the provision of medical screening and services, psychosocial counseling, referrals, and information about legal proceedings. Under this sponsorship system, migrant workers who leave their place of employment without permission from their employer forfeit their legal status and thereby increase their risk of arrest and deportation. As tasked by MC Decision 6/17, the OSR/CTHB contributed to the development of Guidance for OSCE Procurement on Combating Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation in Supply Chains as well as to the OSCE Procurement and Contracting Workshop and a pilot training. In addition, IOM developed free, publicly available tools, such as its online course, Countering Human Trafficking in Humanitarian Settings and its publication, Counter-Trafficking in Emergencies: Information Management Guide, to encourage humanitarians, government staff, anti-trafficking experts, and others to integrate anti-trafficking into their response work routinely. South Sudan is party to the OPAC, and in 2019, armed groups released an additional 259 child soldiers, and established a process for identifying others to UNICEF through the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) commission, established under the R-ARCSS. Shelly Westebbe Morocco While COVID-19 restrictions have slowed the investigation, two soldiers have been charged and are in prison awaiting trial, while the local prosecutor is pursuing charges against another eight soldiers. The Human Trafficking Foundation started a Google group, and the Freedom Collaborative initiated a COVID-19 Response Facebook group. India [See PDF version.]. 7. Page 42: Picture Alliance This included individuals who reshared CSEM content in hopes of helping the victim and raising awareness, but inadvertently contributed to reporting spikes leaving less time and resources to pursue every incident. Allow me to repeat myself: we were SOLD. A survey by the Office of Security and Co-operation in Europes OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and UN Women highlights that almost 70 percent of trafficking survivors from 35 countries reported that their financial well-being was heavily impacted by COVID-19, and more than two-thirds attributed a decline in their mental health to government-imposed lockdowns triggering memories of exploitative situations. Instead, Katherins boss forced her to stay in his home. When asking for the opinions and suggestions of these voices, be a conscious listener and follow through with implementing changes. It also allowed the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Trafficking Prosecutor and HTIs legal expert to provide mentorship and technical assistance on trafficking cases to forum participants across the country. Since the signing of the action plan in 2017, the UN has not reported any further use of children by the CJTF. Soumya Silver As of April 5, no funds subject to CSPA have been obligated. Poole is a member of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mary Ward) congregation and serves as president of the Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE), anetwork of European women religious from 21 countries combating human trafficking. The GNA is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers, including by working closely with the U.S. government in the context of our recurring bilateral Security Dialogue to disarm and demobilize the militias, which engage in their recruitment and use. Many of us are sexually assaulted by family, peers in schools, our ministers, or coaches. China Section 5. Mauritania They are recognized for their tireless efforts despite some working in challenging environments where human trafficking concerns remain pervasive and facing resistance, opposition, or threats to their lives to protect victims, punish offenders, and mitigate the underlying factors that cause vulnerabilities traffickers often target. Mohammed al-Obaidly is one of the most important Qatari figures advocating for labor and human trafficking reforms in Qatar. With minimal oversight mechanisms, many of these worksites remained unmonitored, resulting in fewer opportunities for victim identification. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, a lack of credible and accurate data posed a challenge to effective and efficient anti-trafficking efforts around the world. The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the Government of Nigeria (GON) and has certified that the GON is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. Timor-Leste While the TVPA and the UN TIP Protocol call on governments to proactively address trafficking crimes, some governments are part of the problem, directly compelling their citizens into sex trafficking or forced labor. the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. In June 2019, the Minister of Justice and Judiciary launched Somalias version of a UN advocacy and action campaign called ACT to Protect, aimed at protecting children affected by armed conflict, and the CPU established a Children Affected by Armed Conflict working group. Acknowledging the emotional weight of bringing trafficking-related casework into ones home, survivor-led and survivor-informed organizations were mindful of staff needs when managing cases remotely, offering resources and opportunities to support the staffs emotional well-being. Tanzania Page v: Panos Pictures/Karen Robinson Canadian financial institutions, FINTRAC (Canadas Financial Intelligence Unit), financial regulators, law enforcement, non-profit organizations, and technology companies collaborated to develop indicia of suspicious transactions of money laundering from sex trafficking. An important component of any successful anti-trafficking strategy is a well-informed public that understands the real indicators of the crime and can identify it when it happens in their own communities. As COVID-19 caused a global economic downturn and increased the number of individuals vulnerable to human trafficking, traffickers adapted their existing tactics to take advantage of the unique circumstances of the pandemic. In November 2019, the government used official media platforms to amplify calls by Yemeni human rights activists at the UN Human Rights Council for the Houthis to end child recruitment and use, and radicalization to violence. Rachel Fox Smothermon Whether the percentage of victims of severe forms of trafficking in the country that are non-citizens of such countries is insignificant. For example: With an anticipated increase in poverty rates for the first time in two decades, further research on the economic effects of COVID-19 remains essential to understanding the ensuing large-scale unemployment, particularly in the informal job sector, and how it will drive known and new forms of trafficking. Daniel Evensen Burkina Faso Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, Div. The recent scale of misinformation about human trafficking, however, distracts from the real crime, and may have long-lasting negative effects on efforts to combat it and to aid actual victims of human trafficking. Benin While many countries shifted to conducting court proceedings virtually, limited to no internet connectivity and cost-related barriers to internet access for rural or underserved communities in some countries, such as The Gambia, made it challenging for victims to participate in virtual courts. The United States provides targeted assistance to strengthen key Libyan institutions and build security capacity, promote political reconciliation, and increase Libyas capacity to stand on its own through more effective governance. In his response Dr Rowley said TT continued to actively work with the US to improve the rating, but one of the bigger issues affecting the rating was the lack of convictions under human-trafficking laws. While traffickers used the opportunity of increased numbers of children online to expand their operations, it should be noted that a portion of the increase resulted from the recirculation of sensationalized trafficking-related stories and misinformation on social media platforms. The Department of State assesses that the social and economic disruption caused by the conflict are the primary drivers for the ongoing unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers in Yemen by all parties to the conflict. Furthermore, familial trafficking situations may have prevented survivors from developing key healthy social skills, including how to make and maintain friends, relate to other children and adults, ask for assistance, and recognize their own self-worth. Mali Sonia Helmy-Dentzel In many countries, law enforcement agencies reassigned personnel responsible for investigating human trafficking to enforcing lockdowns and public health measures. The Government of Thailand issued a Cabinet Resolution in August 2020 that made it easier to obtain new work permits and provided extensions for migrants working in Thailand. The author has a range of expertise related to human trafficking, familial trafficking, marginalized communities, trauma and resiliency, education, and survivor leadership. In India and Nepal, young girls from poor and rural areas were often expected to leave school to help support their families during the economic hardshipsome were forced into marriage in exchange for money, while others were forced to work to supplement lost income. Andrew Pfender Mongolia They have set up 16 economic empowerment businesses throughout Albania, which aim to decrease womens risk of exploitation by providing opportunities to participate in entrepreneurial projects in tourism, design, and education, among others. We need to be seen as people. The fact-finding mission has a mandate to document abuses by GNA and non-state militias, including child soldier recruitment or use. Following community-level engagement by UNICEF, the use ended. During a raid, Salih managed to run away to a displaced persons camp. More than 200 countries have agreed to implement the FATF Recommendations, which require member countries to identify, assess, and understand money laundering and illicit finance risks and to mitigate those risks. The CTU also reported challenges in obtaining, preserving and authenticating other evidence such as using cell phones, or financial data to corroborate trafficking network affiliations to add charges under existing and money-laundering laws.. We also expect that FMF may support elements of the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program for the Super Tucanos. The GOI is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers. The introduction also illustrates collaborative ways to reimagine anti-trafficking efforts with an emphasis on preparedness to prevent compounding effects of future crises on trafficking victims and vulnerable individuals, as well as efforts to combat the most recent emerging human trafficking trends. Governments should protect and serve their citizensnot terrorize and subjugate them for profit. The DHS Blue Campaign Visit disclaimer page works in collaboration with law enforcement, government, non-governmental, and private organizations and strives to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice.. DHS plays a major role in identifying foreign national victims of trafficking. When their employer abruptly left, the men were able to seek assistance at their national embassy. Armenia This, coupled with a shortage of protective equipment to supply police, resulted in many law enforcement officers and other specialized anti-trafficking officials becoming infected with COVID-19, some of whom died. Create protocols for what all staff should do if they feel exploited by the organization or individuals within the organization. Vivian Ekey Continuing to bolster Afghan military capability and professionalization through military education and training of Afghan security forces will contribute to a climate that is more favorable for achieving a political settlement and implementing its outcomes. Despite the significant disruptions to efforts to combat this crime, the anti-trafficking community found ways to adapt and forged new relationships to overcome the challenges. At the local and regional levels,she is persistent in advancing advocacy, outreach, and rehabilitation services to combat human trafficking. Traffickers target some individuals with an initial debt assumed willingly as a condition of future employment, while in certain countries traffickers tell individuals they inherited the debt from relatives. Greater stability and self-reliance is one of our top strategic objectives in the DRC, such that our more than half a billion dollars in annual bilateral assistance can be wound down, and our focus turned more fully toward trade and investment. GNA security sector leaders are also closely engaged in UN-led efforts to negotiate the terms of a ceasefire agreement, which could remove the impetus for the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers. Whether the government of the country, consistent with the capacity of such government, systematically monitors its efforts to satisfy the criteria described in paragraphs (1) through (8) and makes available publicly a periodic assessment of such efforts. The government of the country should prohibit severe forms of trafficking in persons and punish acts of such trafficking. The kafala system is a sponsorship-based visa category that gives employers full control over the migrant workers residency permits, movements in and out of the country, and ability to change employers. Beginning October 1, 2021, and effective throughout Fiscal Year 2022, these restrictions will apply to the listed countries, absent a presidential waiver, applicable exception, or reinstatement of assistance pursuant to the terms of the CSPA. Unfortunately, enduring misconceptions about human trafficking have helped misinformation and rumors about the crime spread rapidly throughout communities and through social media, particularly in the United States. Itmanifests in societal exclusion and prejudices against those communities, which help perpetuate an imbalance of opportunity and support. We need to be seen as people experiencing victimization. Many survivors had to close shops or leave jobs due to lockdowns and some were pressured by former traffickers when other employment options dried up. Depending on whether and to what extent anonymizing technologies are applied, blockchain transactions can be analyzed to identify patterns indicative of criminal activity. Julie Short Echalar South Africa . To extract this work, governments coerce by threatening the withdrawal of public benefits, withholding salaries, failing to adhere to limits on national service, manipulating the lack of legal status of stateless individuals and other minority groups, threatening to punish family members, or conditioning services or freedom of movement on labor or sex. Costa Rica Macau This last component is crucial, as interviewing and service provision that is not trauma-informed or in the best interest of the child can be retraumatizing and inhibit a successful recovery. Page 36: Getty-Ina Fassbender/Contributor Page 55: Picture Alliance Venezuela. The following recommendations may be applicable for organizations at multiple stages of integration. Instead of an internship, the school required the Chilean students to work 40 hours per week in a meat processing plant to pay off a debt for the academic programthat they had been told would be tuition-freeand pay for food and housing out of their wages. In addition to putting a child trafficking victim at ease by providing a safe and structured environment for play and learning, such spaces also can help facilitate the prosecution of human traffickers by offering critical support to children as they provide information to law enforcement to help hold perpetrators accountable. Individuals working to support survivors of human trafficking, including those who have dedicated their lives to this work, can become discouraged as the spread of misinformation distracts from providing services. The majority of the allegations were in the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan. South Sudan While Tier 1 is the highest ranking, it does not mean that a country has no human trafficking problem or that it is doing enough to address the crime. The illicit financial activity that human trafficking generates includes, but is not limited to: payments associated with the transport of victims and other logistics such as hotels or plane tickets; collection of proceeds generated by the exploitation of trafficking victims and by the sale of goods produced through their exploitation; movement of proceeds; and bribery and corrupt dealings to facilitate human trafficking. Laos Traffickers can commit this crime in any sector or setting, whether legal or illicit, including but not limited to agricultural fields, factories, restaurants, hotels, massage parlors, retail stores, fishing vessels, mines, private homes, or drug trafficking operations. In many cases, the photographs of individuals used in this report are not images of confirmed human trafficking victims. Guyana This is seen, for example, in the overrepresentation of human trafficking victims among Black populations in some parts of South America, the lack of protections afforded to migrant workers in the Gulf that creates a dependence on others that traffickers can exploit, and the intentional targeting of Roma communities through law enforcement anti-trafficking operations in Eastern Europe. Sint Maarten Similarly, the Australian Border Force issued an information sheet on modern slavery and COVID-19 that provided guidance on how to reduce the risk of workers becoming more vulnerable to human traffickers as a result of the pandemic. Page 5: Picture Alliance 333, to the extent that the CSPA would restrict such assistance or support; to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to South Sudan to allow for the provision of PKO assistance, to the extent that the CSPA would restrict such assistance or support; and, to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Yemen to allow for the provision of PKO and IMET assistance and DoD support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Outreach, and South Sudan can be analyzed to identify patterns indicative of criminal activity to combat,! Within the organization or individuals within the organization or individuals within the organization individuals. Been obligated South Sudan, Katherins boss forced her to stay in his.. Multiple levels government officials involved in human trafficking 2021 from white bodies and prejudices against those communities, which help perpetuate an imbalance opportunity. 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