An establishment engaged in the custom assembly and repair of small firearms. that is intended for drinking, culinary or domestic purposes, subject to compliance project while the project is under construction. Establishments engaged in selling merchandise to retailers, to industrial, commercial, A system that withdraws water from either a surface water source or from an aquifer or avoided by the exercise of due care or foresight. Package Sales: DESIGN STANDARDS AND IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS An establishment which engages in the taking of requests for mail order or catalog The shrub layer includes sparkleberry, American beautyberry, yaupon and saw palmetto. Associated Lot Coverage: In no case shall these restrictions be waived by administrative Utility Trailer: Full Course Meal: Comprehensive Plan: Off-Premises Sign: wipers and blades, and mirrors. text and maps adopted and amended by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Representative soils: Eaton, U.S. to community residential facilities, dwelling units, fraternity and sorority houses, base of the highest twig and one point per four feet is allotted for the crown spread wheeled motorized vehicles. not limited to, lines of wires, cables, and any and all attendant structures on, over No. An area of land or water which is used or intended to be used, owned, controlled or of the water from the same well during times when it is needed. an equivalency for various species of livestock . a Main Street, Boulevard, or Avenue and its intersection with an equal or lower order of Section 6.06.00, Section 6.06.02.D applies. and Rehabilitative Services. shellfish propagation and harvesting. Where they do contain such facilities, such use within the unincorporated 6-18-09; Ord. Recreational Uses, Private Community: and egress to the Public Roadway System based on the Access Management Classification, wetland setback areas as common open space. wall on at least three sides which may have an open roof and is designed to permit structures. 11-19, 2(Item treatments, roof overhangs, textured materials, or projections/recesses in building Manufactured homes/mobile in recycling the easily leached nutrients to the surface. oak scrub. is the yard along any interior lot line which intersects with a street lot line. Any vehicle, other than commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles and utility trailers See Water Facility. of occurrence in any given year. A sign located at the exit or entrance of a premises that has two or more driveways. are reviewed in accordance with Part 10.03.00 of this Code. Implementation Guide produced by the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council for the safe Kitchen/Accessory: DBH of one inch, a minimum height of six feet and, unless determined otherwise by Flood Map: No. and which cannot be licensed for street operation. fixtures are projected only below a horizontal plane passing through the lowest point An establishment engaged in the renting or leasing of equipment including but not Bona fide agricultural RSC-6, RSC-9, RSC-10, RDC-6,RDC-12, RMC-6, RMC-9, RMC-12, RMC-16, RMC-20, IPD-1, IPD-2, individuals. 6-25-15; Ord. An establishment offering prescription and nonprescription drugs and medicines, prosthetic means, such as disassembly. intensive commercial uses and other industrial uses in appropriate areas of Hillsborough County in conformance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Classification Manual of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, as amended and A map or plan of proposal development activities approved as a result of the zoning minimis or de micromis amounts. The term does not, however, include any Pug Mill: Minimum Connection Spacing: Bond: The minimum allowable spacing between openings in a restrictive median to allow for Any structure, or tower utilized exclusively to support an antenna or antennas for but not limited to, smoke, charred paper, dust, soot, grime, carbon, or any particulate suppression of fire in areas naturally adapted to fire, and pesticide and fertilizer or not part of a subdivision, that has been officially recorded by a deed in the office A method of visually shielding or obscuring an abutting or nearby structure or use individual kitchen, as defined herein, bathing and toilet facilities. rooms, accessory indoor minor retail, miscellaneous service, and personal service Structure which is designed specifically for the purpose of supporting a sign, has An establishment engaged in the repair of electrically powered equipment or electronic Mesic Habitats: Hurricane Evacuation Clearance: An area surrounded by dams or dikes, into which liquids or semi-liquids are introduced Natural Shorelines (other than natural beaches and dunes): or other items of public interest exist, the final design of the project may not require Oils, greases, and grease trap pumpings generated by restaurants, retail food service A structure containing materials and uses which are accessory to an agricultural activity. and other information as specified in the Stormwater Management Technical Manual. research facilities and other similar operations. mail, express freight and other cargo; administrative offices; and other uses compatible 50) View what's changed This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. A building located at a terminated vista household's gross income. Designated locations will become the basis for transit nodes. This includes real estate and tangible personal property (the equipment, machinery and fixtures) of businesses. of a natural resource, including development activity and the secondary impacts of storage; rental car parking, storage, and maintenance; bus, taxi, and limousine parking; are intended to be located, constructed, used, and related to each other, and plans Municipal Water Facility: of internal roads, bridges or culverts to facilitate these operations; construction Settling Pond: Convenience Goods Retail: Professional Residential Facility: Bench Sign: Accessory uses such as Resource Protection Areas, Surface Water Resource Protection Areas and Potable Water is listed as a separate use, it refers to a freestanding facility not a part of a on which the facade must be placed. A person occupying a camp. Replacement of fan belts, brake fluids, light bulbs, fuses, floor mats, windshield All earth materials overlying a commercial phosphate deposit. Carnival/Circus: common sewage disposal systems (not septic tanks) and water supplies, and urban level Forested plant community dominated by cypress trees, with water at or above the ground A change in the use of the property, including land, structures or facilities, or The protection zone on the primary reach of the Hillsborough plants and animals. A pump/lift station which serves less than 3000 equivalent dwelling units (e.d.u.) any of the five classifications. shall mean a business or commercial enterprise that, as one of its principal business of Environmental Protection. Crematorium: The actual removal of a tree five inches or greater in DBH by digging up or cutting trees and fireworks. The facilities which may be stored in buildings, as defined by this Code. include but not be limited to bowling alleys, skating rinks, movie theatres, gymnasiums, the top of the areola and extending across the width of the breast at that point, County Geographical Location: An imaginary, vertical line that extends downward from the outermost tips of the tree rural refers to areas designated by the Comprehensive Plan as being in the Agricultural Street/Private: septic tank, grease trap, portable toilet or related operation, or any other such sign. Developer: Historic Resources Inventory by the County; or recommended for preservation or more with permeable blocks. Conventional Dwelling: Nonconformity may also be created where power lines, gas lines, telephone lines, water lines, drainage and sanitary sewers, A Permitted Connection property use conditioned to be open for a specific purpose at a site remote from the construction or demolition project site. Land containing two or more campsites which are located, established or maintained mining or phosphate processing. labor camps, agricultural manufacturing, and any agricultural activity with significant Private Community Recreational Uses shall be owned and operated by a homeowners Official map of community, on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has delineated The official listing of culturally significant buildings, structures, objects, sites, for permitting seawall construction. than eight "placed" persons in need of a structured environment. body work and/or painting. A sign which is affixed to a building or the ground in compliance with the requirements No. The county's zoning authorities can be reached practitioners, animal hospital or veterinarian clinic, hospitals, medical and dental of mechanical leveling or grading equipment or, in the case of stockpiled soil, other Discharge of rainfall runoff and wash down run off from on-site surface/subsurface offices; sales of new and used aircraft and aircraft parts; sales of aircraft fuels, or a Central Business District as identified in a community plan. in the area of the lot occupied by an individual sewage disposal system or a septic Special Use: Recovery Home B: Grand Opening Sign: of Section 5.04.00. Subject to the residence determined legally nonconforming. The sale of vehicles where the method of sale is through competitive bidding and the Caliper: broomsedges and several types of carpet grasses. Vendor (Mobile): A main used to supply Reclaimed Water from the wastewater treatment plant or pumping See Recreation Service. Potable Water Wellfield Protection Area: The suggested setting of the rain sensor device for shutoff, as per the University 3-7-17, eff. by what is commonly termed "blending". No. progressed to the point that the approximate future edge of pavement can be identified. harbors, canals, locks, waterways, tidal and turning basins; wharves, berths, docks, activities might include but are not limited to the following activities: transplanting, exceptional, inevitable, and irresistible, the effects of which could not be prevented 06-18, 2, 8-1-06; Ord. A facility used for the preparation of food which is sold to the public and that is of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), is to inch. roof that is comprised of a green/vegetated roof may contribute to the provision of for establishing various elevations within the flood plain. Community Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS): Viewing Room: Direct Egress: The use of land, buildings or structure for uses such as but not limited to aircraft Pennant: Developments (PODs) and Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs) are identified in Part 5.08.00 of this Code. This distance is measured from the closest edge Functionally Dependent Facility: See "Environmentally Sensitive Areas.". including, but not limited to, scientific publications and surveys. by blood or marriage, who for reason of illness, physical infirmity, or advanced age such things as offices, dressing rooms, broadcast and taping studios, file rooms, of a warranty of required improvements for a fixed period of time. Plan Land Use Map: Cypress Creek (tributary of the Hillsborough River), Trout Creek (tributary of the Hillsborough River), Cowhouse Creek (tributary of the Hillsborough River), Bullfrog Creek (that portion north of Big Bend Road). of the occupants of the planned development district, but which will not be provided, Non-profit public service institutions include, but are not limited to, religious enclosed buildings and can be expected to generate odors and/or noise detectable from direct vehicular access onto the collector or arterial street if approved by county shall be permitted where the product produced or activity involved serves the west Carrying Capacity: Yard trash and/or clean wood that has been mechanically processed so that it will of the disposal activity. A grouping of plants with similar water and cultural (sunlight, soil, etc.) The manufacturing, processing or assembling of products relating to agricultural activities The act of building, engineering, mining, or other operations in, on, over, or under 80 percent of median income adjusted for family size, consistent with annually adjusted Earthen structure used as a screening device. Recovery Home C: Phosphate Mining: chapter 1, table 302.4, including Appendices A and B 302.4, but excluding any elements, Medium volume traffic generator. Marine Grassbed: Areas identified by the United States Department of the Interior in which new development (ANSI) a 300 Pruning Standards. Railroad Switching and Classification Yard: this Code, all trees growing within environmentally sensitive areas regardless of Wastewater: Having frontage on a collector or arterial street and the opportunity for direct vehicular of the merchandise which may include but not be limited to convenience goods, shopper's associated transmission lines required to connect the electrical power plant to an (Average Weekday Traffic generation tennis courts and swimming pools may also be permitted. The D/H ratio measures the largest Outdoor light fixtures shielded or constructed such that light rays emitted by the A machine or device used in performing household tasks. Seasonal Sales Lot: means any three dimensional object designed and marketed for stimulation of the male Anything constructed or erected which requires location on the ground or attachment activities; The plant species composition includes most of the more common species typical of as that portion of a highway separating the opposing traffic flows. practicing medicine, and in not otherwise defined as a Freestanding Emergency Room. An interim wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of under 500,000 gallons per An accessible structure through which wastewater from a building sewer flows and from An establishment engaged in the renting or leasing of commercial vehicles and heavy Used Merchandise: For profit or non-profit recreational uses and facilities providing sports or recreation Right-of-Way: A map or plan upon which is delineated development activities and other such information prior to the effective date of zoning in the area where the lot is located and met in preventing the germination of hardwood seeds while ensuring that there is sufficient seamstress shop, shoe repair and shining shop, dry cleaning and laundry pickup facility, Residential Use: the wood scraps and pallets are separated from other solid waste where generated and A surface which has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it paved, shall include planters and street furniture and may include art and water features of associated material such as overburden. Core Subarea: No. See Beer and Malt Beverages. species of scrub communities. Land dedicated, deeded, used or to be used, for a street, alley, walkway, boulevard, A), Item A-1(14-0856), 10-23-14, eff. Faunal species identified by the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission in Chapter The portion of a building including between the upper surface of a floor and the upper water elevations will be attained, locations of proposed channels and ponds and delineation Electric Substation: statistical average of the high tides over a period of many years. for Hillsborough County. No. The lot or lots, plots, portions or parcels of land considered as a single development A regulation specifying that before a development order can be issued, which public Clean Material Landfill: Applicant defaults, given to insure the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough Flood zone information. and other County regulations. In determining "reasonable access," the impact of the design, number and this Code, waterfront property is hereby defined as property abutting open water, a period of less than 24 hours a day and which receives a payment, fee, grant or bartering are cigar-making; small unit products such as electronic equipment and fishing tackle the boundaries of a Final Plat. motel," an "adult motion picture theater," a "semi-nude model studio," a "sexual device A mixed A facility where the organic fraction of solid waste is processed by natural or mechanical wastewater treatment or holding system when the system is cleaned and maintained. Aggregate Sign Area: in buffers. Use of land, buildings or structures for uses such as but not limited to agriculture, An area of architectural, historical, cultural or archaeological significance to Hillsborough and radio/television transmitting or receiving facilities. A building in which literary, musical, artistic or reference materials are kept for Manufacturing, Heavy: The principles of Xeriscape additional zoning approval. Adult Bookstore or Adult Video Store: top of the bank on both sides of the canal. Compatibility does not mean "the same as". This major habitat category includes Liquid Waste: 10-26, 2, Exh. Snipe Sign: A structure and land used for the medical and surgical care of ill, injured, or disabled threatened species; may already meet certain criteria for designation as a threatened and population concomitant with growth. (Ord. of delivery may be at a location other than the property line, to be determined by or easement in which a utility line exists. See Off-Premises Sign. 25 tons or more per year of any combination of hazardous air pollutants emitted by Generally refers to the collection of stormwater, with no discharge point. and rights-of-way intended solely for limited utility purposes, such as for electric other pertinent local and state requirements and that the same may be used for the Woody plant community occurring along low wave-energy coastal shorelines. and construction activities are approved within the dripline. Name Hillsborough County Zoning Suggest Edit Address 601 East Kennedy Boulevard, Fl 26 Tampa , Florida , 33602 Phone 813-307-4739 Hours Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Museum: and leachate from areas that receive pollutants associated with industrial or commercial for the purpose of separating suspended clay solids from the water. A sign located at a terminated vista household 's gross income University 3-7-17, eff building located a! 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