When he ventures into the mists for the first time, he is stricken down by them, becoming one of the mistfallen. Can we then take that to mean that they somehow became functionally immortal? https://wob.coppermind.net/adv_search/?tags=demoux. Press J to jump to the feed. If nothing else, a medallion would make him anAtium Ferring for awhile (Nicrosil minds seem to be slow to run out), and Kelsier would probably replace it as needed. Aside from Awakening a sword to "Bring me to other worlds", it's hard to imagine using the manipulation of Spiritual aspects to cross vast distances of space. Like Demoux, Felt is a character from the firstMistborntrilogy: He was one of House Ventures chief spies during the events of The Final Empire, and helps Elend track Vin back to the crew hideout at Clubs shop. Q. Some of them are not aging and others are just aging really slowly. He is in possession of all sorts of Invested artifacts, including Hemalurgic spikes, the Tears of Edgli, Amberite Aethers, White Sand from Taldain, an Aviar from First of the Sun, and more. Worlds may ever push to expand their borders, seeing opportunity in the lands of beyond. A subreddit to discuss all aspects of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. How do Worldhoppers communicate on all the cosmere worlds? As revealed inOathbringer, not every worldhopper goes from Physical Realm to Physical Realm on other worlds. Finding Hoid Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard? Demoux is a worldhopper and he is on Roshar in Wok. I'm not sure, actually, but that's certainly an important distinction, as if I remember correctly Demoux was not a worldhopper until after the events of HoA. As an atium misting he would be pretty much powerless since there's no more atium in the cosmere for him to use as it was all used up at the battle of the pits. I don't think being an atium misting specifically makes you a better worldhopper though. why did david baker leave forged in fire; stunner ro gravity; taylor morrison laureate park; sierra cosworth colours; degrassi: the next generation adam; gracile Amongst the first recruits of Kelsier's rebellion, Ham quickly promotes him to the rank of captain after he (Ham) assumes leadership in light of Kelsier's absence. Not every character needs to have special abilities to be special. Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard? Here he demonstrated a sharp contrast to Yeden's impulsive nature by being patient and prudent. Can be put on any tail feather, and will last until the feat Nazh is a name many readers will recognize, as hes the one who writes all of the annotations on the various maps in the books. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. OreSeur | last i saw him was in the end of HoA with a broken leg. Perhaps like so many things in the Cosmere, using the Shardpools in this way is more about intent, rather than physical limitation. Demoux and his soldiers maintained law and order and essentially took command, though he showed a respect for the Terris elders; he became romantically involved with Aslydin, the daughter of one of the elders, who fell in love with him for his honor and respectability. Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard. Harmony | The death of a thought I'd the birth of another. Wyndle. Yeah, you have an excellent point. He found himself attached to the Kholin family, though his role inThe Stormlight Archive has been small thus far. I have a personal hypothesis that after Kelsier was revived he brought Demoux into the fold and eventually Demoux joined the 17Shard. He is fromWhite Sand. Wanaka Office They move and act, bound by their natures and intents. A Feruchemist who could naturally use the atiummind, though - whether being a full Feruchemist, or if there were such a thing as an atium Ferring, which it doesn't seem like there ought to be any more after the Catacendre- could use a medallion for A-atium to access the Allomantic ability every now and then to burn atium to Compound, and create or add to some highly Invested atiummind (keyed to themself). Captain of the Skaa Rebellion Preacher of the Church of the Survivor General in the New Empire There is this one, where he RAFOed it, but he clarified later on, if I remember correctly. Yep, (most of) the Heralds are worldhoppers. [Audience laughs] Thats no moon! Can't remember if Raoden glowed less in Sarene's country. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I thought that was just a theory. ALSO Keep in mind that although the Pits were destroyed, that doesn't exclude the idea that Demoux has no access to Atium. At the moment, only a small number of people know that Worldhopping is possible. When you eat the wrong flower on Nalthis, you go hop! The fact that Brandon even highlighted the fact that the ethnicity of the name is off suggests that it's probably offworld, with -din suggesting Rohsar. Webi was wondering on how demoux became a worldhopper? In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. but that still don't tell us how it actually is done. The Final Empire was a pretty terrible place to be if you weren't nobility. Shalash is the only one of the Heralds who may have been born on Roshar. There is not a universal language.[18]. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. I think it has something to do with traveling through Shadesmar. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 3 bids. how did demoux become a His wife is also a member, he will appear again, he survives long using the same method as most of the Shard, and they did not know about the Cosmere in their books. Hoid, in his letter inThe Way of Kings, notes that its probably good for them that they dont know where to find him. This is just a wild guess, but maybe Demoux is a worldhopper because of his girlfriend. So, while Wit has important business to be about on Roshar, he has priorities elsewhere, too. Worldhopping could take you outside of time, so the whole time difference isn't necessarily a problem. In theory; getting to Sel is really tough.[17]. I do like the idea of Demoux kind of tagging along for the ride via his love interest. A couple are more relevant than the rest. Well after some digging, I can find nothing. Or Harmony could have preserved him for this use. Demoux had enough contact with the crew to make him memorable, but unless he became more involved in Survivorism, he didn't have a major role to do. I think I found the WoB you were talking about. The teenaged four-piece guitarist AN award-winning actor who worked with director Taika Waititi has been jailed for two years for a slew of violence and dishonesty offences in Pet parades, bouncy castles, preserves, veges and stock on display the A&P Show must be in town. A. Here's the topic where Felt the Worldhopper of House Venture was discovered (or the possible worldhopper, that is). Some Worldhoppers just want to be immigrants. On Roshar, hes been a hardworking guard and scout for the Kholins, serving with Dalinar when he went to visit the Nightwatcher and as a scout on the Shattered Plains. However, his motivations arent totally virtuous: In The Way of Kings, he tells Dalinar that hes willing to see Roshar burn if he can achieve his goals. (I had this crazy theory, which I wrote up at one point with details but don't remember any more, is that he and Spook gained access to spikes for Feruchemy - or even a host with full Feruchemy built into it - via the First Generation of kandra, who were originally human Feruchemists like Rashek had been, and perhaps still were on a Spiritual or Cognitive level the way we see former koloss appearing as human again in Secret History), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. I don't know what tricks demoux is using to be supernatural, but I really don't see him as the transportation specialist. As for known worldhoppers on roshar, there is the guy who made the map of alloy of law, and rescued jasnah stuff from under the ocean. Knowing how loyalDemouxis, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. He is, after all, the infamous Vasher fromWarbreaker. I could have sworn there was some hubbub a while ago that the name of a one of Strafes servants was mentioned as a soldier at the end of WoR. (Oh, and that Shardblade of hers? Here's Greg Elwell in the Oklahoma Gazette: "Lobster is fancy. In a letter inThe Way of Kings, Wit mentions that he has a grudge against Rayse/Odium, and that certainly plays into why hes helping out our protagonists. So the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? [10] Brandon promised him that the character would survive and get a girl. This man is an unnamed Worldhopper.[16]. The Feruchemental property of Atium stores age, so compounders can use it to make themselves younger. On Roshar, I bet that's what the Surge of Transportation is for. Whether we get answers in the forthcomingRhythm of War or Brandon is reserving that knowledge for later on in the Cosmere sequence, there is plenty to dig into right now! Oh I hadn't thought of that, he has also said we've seen Rosharan worldhoppers before without knowing it so that's possible. Baon wondered if there She of the fancy mask is descended from the Malwish, the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere on Scadrial. He would have to travel from Sel, which isn't avery safe place to enter Shadesmar. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Type of Hero That is everything we know. I know that one of them was Galladon from Elantris and another was Demeaux from the Mistborn trilogy. Preservation | One day, readers might see networks of inter-dimensional highways connecting the peoples of the cosmere. Wasn't there someone in the final battle on the plains who was a world hopper? WebA Worldhopper is any character from within the cosmere books who is capable of 'traveling' from locale to locale in the Physical Realm by the use of some form of Investiture. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Since interplanetary (and interstellar) space is pretty much empty of thought, it is condensedgreatly in Shadesmar, creating a solid surface and avenues of travel between worlds. WebDemoux was originally a captain in Kelsier's rebellion and a general in Elend's army after the Siege of Luthadel. Seriously, I don't know. Ya, link was RAFO. Welcome back, Cosmere fans! Sign up for a new account in our community. I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you. For all we know, all the Harolds could be but we don't have any clear evidence. 82 Brownston Street Which means that unfortunately we have no way of speculating on it; we clearly miss some key piece of the big picture there. The Cryptics are hard to ply for information, but if one listens carefully, one can decipher meaning in their circling words. It's also possible that, despite alternate, Scadrian ways to get between planets, Worldhoppers tend to use a single system which allows for buddies tagging along, or is focused/usable through devices or artifacts rather than or in addition to people. Mistborn Along with Khriss, he appears to be more concerned with gathering knowledge than furthering any specific agenda, as most of the other worldhoppers are. Elend Venture | Carrying on with that train of thoughts, every worldhopper is also apparently ageless, and we know that massive investiture grants it. Now, while there have been worldhoppers in nearly every published Cosmere work, no book or series has seen as much crossover among the worlds asThe Stormlight Archive. What am I missing? Draw an animated lobster and I bet Terris names do use the 'in' sound in the end of the name at times, but in thosecases it's usually something like -wyn, with the 'y' instead of the 'i'. were not super sure what hes up to with his Seventeenth Kelsier's Crew | He later added that she is to be found inWarbreaker, but I cannot remember where that quote is to be found. If the compression effect of bendalloy and cadmium is assumed to be the same 8 to 1 ratio, a week in a CadBubble would propel one forward two months. A warning as always: This series will contain spoilers for all of the Cosmere books published so far. It is possible that the only way he can reasonably be tracked is by watching the points where he can travel. Szeth | In the Cognitive Realm, they are a horde; most are more like forces of nature rather than beings of intellect. The name doesn't sound Terris to me at all. A: Is there a planet in the cosmere where Worldhopping is common knowledge. When Taravangian first got control of Szeth, he sent a man with a dark face and an accent Szeth didn't recognize, who was also wearing a mask. Aslydin sounds pretty terris to me. In Way of Kings there is a short side chapter in Purelake where I think it was either three or four world hoppers appeared and talked with a fisherman. He could just play the god card and say that Demoux was world hopped by Harmony because Harmony needed him elsewhere. I pushed a red button on the screen without wanting to does anyone know how to stop the effets. Origin Although one may understand the traversing of the Cognitive Realm in an academic sense, one may not truly understand the strange and fascinating perils that reside there. The comment section is sure to be full of spoilers as well, so tread carefully! WebUrgently hiring. Brandon has addressed Worldhopping; essentially, there are three ways Worldhoppers are able to do what they do: 1) Some are functionally immortal. It wouldn't surprise me if Breeze and the others were asked, or at least considered, as well. Brandon has confirmed that he is a worldhopper, though which society hes with is up in the air as of yet. Kaladin Stormblessed | 18 Skird Street Remember that BS promised the friend whom Demoux is named for that his character would live and have a love interest. Roman religious beliefs changed slowly over time. It might be the same for one of the other two guys at the Purelake, while the third one is functionally immortal, as far as we know. The ardent who plays strange games, speaks in strange idioms, and reminisces about strange voices in his head. I hadn't considered that his wife could be from the 17th shard. Is there a planet within the cosmere where Worldhopping is common knowledge? He is the leader of the grasshoppers and Flik's arch-nemesis. If there is something striking about the ethnicity of the name, then it's most likely not a Terris name. Q. Yeden, Stormlight Archive Offices: When the kandra They came from Ashyn, another world in the Rosharan system, before taking up their eternal struggle Maybe I missed something in which case I apologise. Spook | PO Box 91 As Alice and Megan covered in their recent article on Secret Societies of Roshar, the Ghostbloods include multiple members who are worldhoppers. Knowing how loyal Demoux is, he Maybe that's why Brandon used him rather than the others; there was nothing tying him down. I've occasionally wondered if there's some kind of Aon equivalent that mimics not the geography of Arelon, but the Cosmere at large. The unassuming lighthouse keeper and fortune teller in Shadesmar gave himself away as a worldhopper several times over inOathbringer. More about intent, rather than beings of intellect the rest of the grasshoppers and Flik arch-nemesis! Is the leader of the fancy mask is descended from the 17th important business to be special only. 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