Similarly, for a lower lid blepharoplasty, the medial extent of the lower eyelid incision should stop just lateral to the punctum, whether it is conjunctival or subciliary in nature. Temporary sutures may approximate the skin before application of the glue. The patient was given topical steroids by his original surgeon, resulting in untreated intraocular pressure of 45OU. Patients who view cosmetic surgery as a commodity rather than a medical procedure with attendant risks should not be operated on. Median follow up was 12 months (range: 1.548). The skin and orbicularis oculi muscle form the anterior layers of the upper eyelid. The diplopia is usually of a form suggesting extravasation of local anaesthetic, such as a partial third or sixth nerve palsy. Dermatol Surg 2005; 31:553. My lateral canthals are webbed and my horizontal fissures have been significantly shortened. He said he stitched the lower outer corner to the top lid! In addition, supporting structures such as canthal tendons are tightened. Similarly, conjunctival chemosis caused by a transconjunctival incision and by drying related to lagophthalmos can cover the puncta, again leading to epiphora. Correlation of the vision-related functional impairment associated with blepharoptosis and the impact of blepharoptosis surgery. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2003; 29:885. Consideration can be given to prophylactic lower lid elevation and posterior lamellar grafting at the time of blepharoplasty surgery. Unfortunately, even with careful patient selection and surgical planning, and an uneventful perioperative period, some patients may be dissatisfied with their results. Incisions that are made at the very medial aspect of the supraorbital creaseoften produce a slight artifact that is difficult to correct, particularly with Asian patients or patients with a prominent epicanthalfold. Increased risk exists in the patient with proptosis, such as a patient with thyroid eye disease or the patient with a large or projecting glaucoma bleb. Quality of life studies have validated the association between loss of superior and horizontal vision from excess upper eyelid skin and difficulty with driving, reading, working at a computer and other close work (AJO 1996;121:677, Ophthalmology 1999;106:1705; AJO 2007;143:1013). Injury to the inferior oblique or less commonly other extraocular muscles, is rare. Excess preaponeurotic and/or nasal fat is removed. Burroughs JR, Patrinely JR, Nugent JS, et al: Soparkar CNS, Anderson RL, Pennington J H. Cold urticaria: an underrecognized cause of postsurgical periorbital swelling. Lid crease asymmetry is usually corrected by raising the lower eyelid crease. Lewis CM, Lavell S, Simpson MF. Massry GG. Scars dont run past outside of eye. Goldberg RA, Marmor MF, Shorr N, Christenbury JD. Prompt decompression of the orbit alone can restore vision. Important measurements to evaluate include palpebral fissure, marginal reflex distance, amount of lagophthalmos, and lid crease height. Answer: Inner eyelid webbing scar after blepharoplasty Hi. Millman AL, Williams JD, Romo T, Taggert N. Septal-myocutaneous flap technique for lower lid blepharoplasty. It should be noted that these products also may thin the blood and increase the chance of postoperative bleeding. The punctum is a useful landmark for the upper lid and lower lid incision. Sutureless closure of the upper eyelids in blepharoplasty: use of octyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Figure 2 shows an example of upper lid retraction secondary to upper lid overcorrection. Lid crease in Asians can be absent, may be nasally tapered, or flat but typically lies lower and flatter than Caucasians. In women, the brow and lid creases are higher and more arched, and the lid fold is less prominent. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. J. P. Gunter and F. L. Hackney, A simplified transblepharoplasty subperiosteal cheek lift, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Rapid treatment is critical. i Anterior flap is completely excised. In patients with extremely excessive skin, low-set brows, previous brow lift, or previous blepharoplasty, particular care must be taken. 2011;27:42630. Absorbable upper lid sutures either in the skin or buried, have a risk of tissue reaction or dehiscence. One should identify (and preserve) the inferior oblique and levator during surgery, to be confident they have not been injured. Swelling and bruising you may have will be virtually gone by day 10. Canthoplasty repair for canthal rounding. 2, pp. Rapid release of orbital pressure by opening the wound, releasing the lid with a lateral canthotomy with inferior and/or superior cantholysis, is most important. Yazici B, etinkaya A, akirli E. Bilobed flap in the reconstruction of inferior and/or lateral periorbital defects. To minimize bruising, the patient should avoid using anticoagulative drugs, control his or her hypertension if present, and avoid postoperative trauma, bending, and straining [4]. Secondary upper lid lengthening can also be done posteriorly if adequate skin grafting has already been carried out, thereby avoiding another skin incision. Ophthalmic Surg 1990; 21:85. S. J. Pacella and M. A. Codner, Minor complications after blepharoplasty: dry eyes, chemosis, granulomas, ptosis, and scleral show, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Antiglaucoma medications and anterior chamber paracentesis are treatments aimed at central retinal artery occlusion, not orbital hemorrhage. Deeper scar release carries the risk of under or overcorrection leading to ptosis or a recurrence of lid retraction. Your stitches will be removed 4 days after your procedure. Cautery to achieve hemostasis may affect nerve or muscle. CAS Proptosis, severe pain, decreased visual acuity, relative afferent pupillary defect, and elevated intraocular pressure confirm the diagnosis. To obtain Treatment includes vitamin E cream, massage, and topical or injected corticosteroids. Patients undergo upper blepharoplasty for purely aesthetic reasons. Ophthalmology 1999; 106:1705. Obviously, blepharoplasty surgery is performed very close to the globe, and the potential for injury to the globe exists. All patients except one reported good surgical outcomes, defined as cosmetically and functionally acceptable result to the patient and surgeon, after one procedure. Another possible issue is post-operative conjunctival thickening and persistent redness in the operated area. The posterior flap is cut along the new inferior lid margin using Westcott spring scissors and folded upwards to create the anterior lamella of the new superior lid margin (Fig. Introduction: A combination of vertical skin deficiency, cutaneous and subcutaneous scar, and altered anatomy and blood supply can make surgical correction difficult and unpredictable. Globe injury can occur with the CO2 laser, with a steel scalpel, or with local anaesthetic injection. Review of old or family photographs may be helpful in clarifying preferences and objectives. 21, no. Progressive postoperative periorbital inflammation may indicate infection, allergy to topical medication and rarely primary acquired cold urticaria (PACU). Steroids can be stopped abruptly if administered less than 3 days, even at extremely high doses. Discomfort and edema are expected after surgery and are usually adequately managed with acetaminophen. 103, no. For an upper lid blepharoplasty, ending the incision just lateral to the punctum avoids medial canthal webbing as well as lacrimal system injury. Note the widened aperture but rounding recurrence. Extending the marking too far lateral may result in unwanted visible scarring. Prolene is inert and ties cleanly, which is useful in closing a wound precisely. 1, pp. Lubrication, cool compresses, and observation are essential to resolution. Mild inner webbing too. Unrealistic expectations include those patients who desire no upper lid fold at all, operated patients (who already look over corrected) desiring further improvement, patients who plan to return to their high demand occupation the day after surgery or those who book travel within the first week of surgery. 4, pp. Early injection takes advantage of the time required to move, position, prep, and drape the patient, during which time the anesthetic will take effect. 4, pp. The most common result which will be noted by the patient is lid crease asymmetry. Significant lagophthalmos illustrated. Patients often complain of headache and brow ache from overworked frontalis muscles, pulling excess skin away from the eyelid margins. Preoperative and postoperative oral arnica (a herbal healing agent) has been claimed anecdotally to help when given in normal doses. Racial and ethnic facial characteristics including skin type and underlying facial bone structure may be included in discussing alternatives and surgical planning. L. Guo, H. Bi, C. Xue et al., Comprehensive considerations in blepharoplasty in an asian population: a 10-year experience, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, vol. In older patients with excess upper lid fat, the septum needs to be formally opened to remove preaponeurotic fat. A full-eye examination includes vision, motility, strabismus, orbital, or eyelid asymmetry, exophthalmos, brow ptosis, and asymmetry, ptosis, lid retraction, lid fold height, inferior scleral show, lid laxity, entropion, ectropion, dry eye assessment. Treatment of conjunctival chemosis can alleviate downward pressure on the lower eyelid. Lower eyelid of this patient shows cicatricial ectropion with middle lamellar scarring causing lid retraction as well after blepharoplasty elsewhere. The most common complication when performing the Asian blepharoplasty is asymmetry. Internet Explorer). Safety of Periocular Mohs Reconstruction: a Two-Center Retrospective Study. Is this resolvable? Intravenous mannitol 20% (12g/kg over 3060minutes). Measure skin amount in millimeters between the lower border of the central brow and the eyelash margin. J. H. Oestreicher, N. K. Pang, and W. Liao, Treatment of lower eyelid retraction by retractor release and posterior lamellar grafting: an analysis of 659 eyelids in 400 patients, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Focus on driving, reading, computer work, ambulation, vocational responsibilities, and physical activities. Dry eye symptoms may worsen if there is a decreased blink after removal of orbicularis muscle. I have started massaging the area and wearing silicone strips at night. Please see before/after photo on link below (toward bottom of the website page). Patients may prefer to retain or change certain features such as relative hollowness or fullness of the upper eyelid sulcus. Postoperative hemorrhage will be noted by the patient if he or she is properly educated as to what to look forunusual or asymmetrical pain, decreased vision, or proptosis. 1 were supplied by the senior author (NJ). This is seen as a rounded fold of skin and scar tissue inside the normal canthal angle, causing horizontal shortening of the eyelid aperture. 11, pp. Restoring palpebral fissure shape after previous lower blepharoplasty. 4, pp. Most patients only need to take 7 days off work. McCullough ME, Emmons RA, Kilpatrick SD, Mooney CN. Influenced by gender, race, and unique facial features of each patient: Video 1. The key in management is to aid healing of the corneal epithelium as rapidly as possible to prevent infective keratitis. 107, no. Topical and systemic antibiotics are utilized due to the open wounds, and their repair is planned electively in 1 to 2 weeks if they do not close on their own. Ice packs or frozen masks are too heavy, which may damage the eyelid tissues or dehisce wounds. If noted, however, it should be treated with bleaching creams. It is difficult to lower a crease which is too high. For lower eyelid blepharoplasty in Asians, transconjunctival fat removal yields far superior results to an external approach [34]. If there is insufficient tissue to create both anterior and posterior flaps, for example in smaller areas of canthal rounding with less conjunctiva available, a modification to the above method to create a single flap can be used instead (DS). All ophthalmologists should feel comfortable treating orbital hemorrhage with canthotomy and cantholysis. 2 were supplied by DS and NJ. at my consult, the Dr. mentioned that in order to get parallel, i would need to get epicanthoplasty as well but that theres a chance of having visible scarring with epicanthoplasty. Adams J, Murray R. The general approach to the difficult patient. Great care is taken to point the needle away from the globe, to avoid inadvertent penetration with sudden patient movement. It is the responsibility of the surgeon to inform patients of the potential risks of surgery before the operation is performed. Meticulous preoperative planning, including precise measurements and noting any asymmetry in facial features, should be a routine for every surgeon. All authors contributed to the planning, drafting/revising and final approval of the paper. He had severe chemosis and discomfort due to significant lagophthalmos. Postoperative ocular and wound lubrication with ophthalmic antibiotic ointment is very important in preventing corneal breakdown, ocular dryness, and conjunctival chemosis. It is often necessary to tighten the lower eyelid at the time of blepharoplasty. Photographs help the surgeon explain to the patient unique facial features important for planned surgical procedure. My case seems quite complex compared to other cases of rounding I have seen: there appears to be a split between the lower eyelid and the webbing as opposed to the whole angle being blunted. b The canthal rounding is split into its anterior and posterior lamellae. Levator function is assessed to identify myogenic ptosis. Patients with previously established PACU can still undergo surgery if appropriate safety precautions are followed. Aesthetic and functional abnormalities result from excess skin and fat removal and from excess scarring and adhesions involving the levator aponeurosis. Head elevation and limiting activity may reduce edema. Prevent by planning an incision that extends to the medial commissure, May be corrected by Zplasty, Wplasty, transposition flaps, or YV advancement procedures, May be due to inadvertent trauma to the levator complex, including postsurgical edema and dehiscence, May be due to unrecognized preoperative levator dehiscence, May be related to lagophthalmos and dry eye, Usually corrected with lubrication regimen, May require corrective lid surgery to reduce palpebral aperture, May be related to corneal irritation and/or dryness. It must be understood that old photographs do not represent a guarantee or even a goal, but rather act as a guidepost. Photographs are also an essential part of the medical record and are helpful in resolving medicolegal issues. 1i). In addition, placement of an upper lid traction suture is important or the skin graft will be ineffective [79]. Article Dupuis C, Rees TD: Historical notes on blepharoplasty. I had an upper bleph three weeks ago (22 days out). Artificial tears may also be recommended. 2003;111:44150. Our patients reported excellent outcomes post-operatively without any significant scarring. 106, no. 2, pp. Therefore, one needs to be gentle when freeing up the fat from the underlying levator or the levator can be damaged inadvertently. The surgery involves removing redundant skin, fat, and muscle. A vicious cycle can develop wherein the chemotic conjunctiva dries out because it is swollen and then swells because it is dry. 767771, 1990. Any adjunctive procedures to be performed should also be determined. In the case of lid laxity, the procedure can be completed with a lateral canthopexy to anchor the superior and lower edges of the new lateral canthal angle to the periosteum of the superior orbital rim (Fig. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. Mild hyperpigmentation is relatively common at 4 weeks postresurfacing and will usually resolve spontaneously. If done in the plane of the lateral wall and in the plane of the levator aponeurosis and inferior rectus, in a blunt fashion, the risk of significant damage to orbital structures is low. Moistened gauze may be placed over the closed eyelids. There are currently 25 Eyelid Surgery + Webbing questions and doctor answers on RealSelf. One approach to assuring that sufficient skin remains for complete closure of the eyelid is the 20mm rule. However, this was not encountered in our patient group. Recognition is key, as is a rapid response. Normal postoperative swelling may normally worsen during the initial 24 hours following surgery and can be partly alleviated by applying ice. One must be careful to note patients with poorly developed midfacial bony structure where the lower lids already sit low, and where the potential for postoperative retraction is much higher. C. D. McCord Jr. and J. W. Shore, Avoidance of complications in lower lid blepharoplasty, Ophthalmology, vol. Lagophthalmos due to internal scarring requires surgical exploration and lysis of the scar tissue. Transconjunctival fat resection alone should be considered in younger patients who may have very little excess skin and whose skin may be resilient enough to tighten itself spontaneously postoperatively. Depending on the amount of laxity, a full lateral tarsal strip procedure or a lateral canthal tendon plication can be done. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles How risky is this to correct and when is it safe to do? 3, article 3, 1995. Since time is of the essence, one must realize that an experienced oculoplastic surgeon is not essential to perform a bedside canthotomy/cantholysis and pressure release. Instruction Courses and Skills Transfer Labs, Program Participant and Faculty Guidelines, LEO Continuing Education Recognition Award, What Practices Are Saying About the Registry, Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS), Subspecialty/Specialized Interest Society Directory, Subspecialty/Specialized Interest Society Meetings, Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring Campaign, Global Programs and Resources for National Societies, Patient-Reported Outcomes with LASIK Symptoms and Satisfaction, Oculofacial Plastic Surgery Education Center, Patient management: treatment and follow-up, Preventing and managing treatment complications, Common treatment responses, follow-up strategies, International Society of Refractive Surgery, Restoration of normal function and appearance of the upper eyelids, Repair changes occur secondary to aging, hereditary features, inflammation, growth of abnormal tissue, trauma, Improve visual function related to obstruction of the visual axis, Improve appearance that can make patient feel more youthful, Avoid unrealistic expectations about change in appearance may limit patient acceptance of surgical result, Avoid unrealistic expectations that may also extend to anticipated improvement in quality of life, Help patient cope with difficult adjustments to change in appearance that may lead to anger, stress, anxiety, and depression. What complications can come from a blepharoplasty? I had MOHS five weeks ago for squamous cell, a single layer was removed from the upper side of my nose. Beyond this time period, one may be over treating the patient and exposing them to additional complications with very little prospect of improvement. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. These are investigated and followed in the normal fashion for such conditions. If essential, a lower incision is made and fat is teased forward between the skin and levator to prevent readhesion of these structures. Asian eyelid includes a pretarsal fat pad and may include more volume in the preaponeurotic fat pads. Plast Reconstr Surg 2010; 125:1017. Scott KR, Tse DT, Kronish JW. This is also a good way to ensure one has not forgotten the medial fat pad in terms of fat removal. In conclusion, our technique demonstrates a method for reconstructing a natural-looking canthal angle with good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring. This can also lead to corneal dellen formation, or a dry cornea can break down de novo. The wound may be left open or closed loosely. Rapid treatment is critical. Hard palate mucosa or upper eyelid tarsoconjunctiva can be utilized as the graft, but one must remember that these patients have had aggressive surgery already. ISSN 1476-5454 (online) The oblique divides the medial lower fat pad from the central lower fat pad and it should be easily identified, and thus protected. Canthal rounding can occur following surgery to the medial or lateral canthus. Mild lower-lid laxity or lateral canthal deformity. There is a wide range of cost/fee due to the condition of the patient and the procedures involved. Figure 3 shows an example of lagophthalmos secondary to the overcorrection of the upper lid. McKean-Cowdin R, Varma R, Wu J, et al. The risk of suture granuloma formation is decreased by using prolene sutures and removing them completely at the appropriate time. I am devastated. The incision, which is made along the previously marked lines, can be made with a 15Bard Parker blade, an incisional CO2 laser, a diamond blade, or a needle-tipped Bovie or radiofrequency instrument. Midfacial lifting is beyond the scope of this monograph [30, 31]. This skin incision height is often quit low, 3 to 5mm depending on the preoperative consultation measurements. C. D. McCord Jr., The correction of lower lid malposition following lower lid blepharoplasty, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. However, because of the complex structure and function of the eyelids, the potential for complications does exist. Helpful Mehryar (Ray) Taban, MD, FACS Oculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology ( 302) I experienced significant swelling in my tear duct area (especially on the right side) My right eye now appears to have webbing on the inner corner. Deep to these layers is the orbital septum, which originates from the arcus marginalis at the superior orbital rim and inserts on the . Patients with progressive edema, pruritus, and discomfort despite antibiotic therapy and cessation of topical ointments may have PACU. In patients with shallow orbits or relative proptosis, removing orbital fat may mask underlying proptosis and provide aesthetic help to the patient. Our technique demonstrates a method for reconstructing a natural-looking canthal angle with good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring. R. L. Anderson and D. D. Gordy, The tarsal strip procedure, Archives of Ophthalmology, vol. Excess fat removal or raising a crease unnaturally high can lead to a hollowed-out appearance in the upper eyelids. Systemic osmotic agents and corticosteroids may be given but do not take the place of prompt pressure release. If deeper scarring requires release, it should be done at the time of skin graft placement. Plast Reconstr Surg. Figure 11 shows an example of hyperpigmentation post-laser resurfacing. Relative . Lowers were performed with transcutaneous approach. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. If pigment is present without fat herniation, treatment with skin bleaching agents can be tried first. An allergist should guide the workup and management of this condition. 207212, 2008. 49, no. Canthal rounding can be cosmetically-unacceptable to patients. Reassuring the patient that privacy will be maintained helps facilitate the patients ability to articulate his or her desired outcome. Blepharochalasis: See separate outline on this IgA disorder often confused with dermatochalasis. Absorbable subcutaneous suture such as 70 polyglactin can be placed, anchoring superficial levator fibers to the overlying skin. One way to identify levator versus septum is to remember that the septum fuses with the orbital arcus marginalis. Z. 6, pp. 1, pp. e The posterior flap is folded into its new position. 1d and 1e). Medial canthal webbing seen after upper lid blepharoplasy done by a dermatologist. Measurement and precision are key to avoiding overcorrection. A cold stimulation test may confirm the diagnosis of PACU. Prospective analysis of changes in corneal topography after upper eyelid surgery. Canthal rounding can occur following surgery to the medial or lateral canthus. Primary acquired cold urticaria. Eyelid skin heals better than almost any other skin on the body; however, external eyelid wounds need to be placed symmetrically and closed meticulously to avoid asymmetry and scarring. Lelli GJ, Lisman RD: Blepharoplasty complications. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in 99, no. Rarely is bony decompression, either at bedside through the inferomedial floor or more fully in the operating room, required. Lower eyelid of the same patient shown in Figures. It forms a c shape and makes my eyes asymmetrical. Persistent cases are treated by a V- to-Y plasty procedure. 12, no. Partial removal of orbicularis muscle over the medial eyelid area with grafting of medial fat into the lateral sub-brow area has been proposed to restore youthful contours (Fezza J, OPRS 2012;28:446). Clin Plast Surg 1983; 10:321. The skin incision should still be kept low, perhaps at 5 to 6mm at the most. Laser resurfacing is utilized where skin shrinkage and rhytid reduction are desired. A slit lamp examination and Schirmers test are necessary in this authors view. Possibly caused by diffusion of local anesthetic affecting one or more extraocular muscles. Bruising and swelling typically lasts 1014 days after surgery. Clinical characteristics of cold-induced systemic reactions in acquired cold urticaria syndromes: recommendations for prevention of this complication and a proposal for a diagnostic classification of cold urticaria. PubMedGoogle Scholar. May occur with CO2 laser, steel scalpel, radiofrequency needle, or local anesthetic injection. Fat pearls, fat injections, dermis fat grafts, and alloplastic injections can be tried. Sometimes, repair of eyebrow ptosis or blepharoptosis (instead of blepharoplasty or in addition to blepharoplasty) may be alternatives to achieve the patient's goals. Secondary revision surgery should remain an option during follow-up treatment and should be considered normal and occasionally necessary within weeks to months after surgery. Lower eyelid skin excision or laser resurfacing (or neither) is another key decision. A. N. Hass, R. B. Penne, M. A. Stefanyszyn, and J. C. Flanagan, Incidence of postblepharoplasty orbital hemorrhage and associated visual loss, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. With an acute hemorrhage, intraorbital pressure rises abruptly, and the blood supply to the optic nerve is compromised. The surgery involves removing redundant skin, fat, and. Lateral traction was placed with a finger to the canthal web to displace the fold of . 281288, 2002. It has created a web (possibly medial canthal webbing) from my brow to lower eye. Valerie Juniat. The skin then bridges the superomedial hollow of the upper lid in a straight line. Postoperative changes to eyelid position can also occur after lower lid blepharoplasty. 4550, 1996. 710, 2010. Canthal webbing can be associated with scleral show laterally due to inferior lid retraction, and is a known complication of blepharoplasty or reconstruction following trauma or tumour excision [1,2,3]. The incidence is estimated to be 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 25,000 [32]. The amount of lagophthalmos must be such that lower lid elevation would eliminate it. However with skin closure, this scar generally blends well with the normal smile lines in the lateral canthal area. Even a moderate amount can be upsetting to the patient who has always been heavy lidded. Nonabsorbable sutures are removed 714 days after surgery. Arch Ophthalmol 1999; 117:907. A partial improvement may be achieved with a posterior lamellar graft and horizontal tightening alone. Also, the position of the lower lid must be such that bringing it up that amount will not cover the inferior iris excessively. In one patient there was rounding recurrence. C. M. Stephenson and B. Canthal rounding has been reported following periocular tumour or trauma reconstruction [4, 5]. Perin LF, Helene A, Fraga MF. All patients need to be warned of this prior to the treatment and nonlaser alternatives should be explored and discussed with the patient. Another mechanism is direct or indirect injury to the inferior oblique during surgery. Dysmorphophobia. Alternatively, removing anterior fat may unmask the underlying proptosis, and care should be exercised. Most surgeons use epinephrine-containing local anesthetics in blepharoplasty surgery and have found that meticulous cauterization and maintenance of a dry operative field outweigh the theoretical risk of rebound hemorrhage. Provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or a lateral canthal tendon plication can be tried first 22 out! Of this patient shows cicatricial ectropion with middle lamellar scarring causing lid retraction secondary to upper lid fat the... For complications does exist please see before/after photo on link below ( toward bottom of the side! Of 45OU closing a wound precisely Murray R. the general approach to assuring that sufficient skin for! Of my nose ptosis or a dry cornea can break down de novo not been injured restore vision use octyl-2-cyanoacrylate! And followed in the normal smile lines in the normal fashion for such conditions board-certified,... Skin before application of the upper eyelids ( and preserve ) the inferior oblique or less other... 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Is direct or indirect injury to the inferior oblique during surgery, be... The 20mm rule is difficult to lower eye Avoidance of complications in lower blepharoplasty!, pruritus, and the lid fold is less prominent the septum fuses with normal. Achieve hemostasis may affect nerve or muscle guarantee or even a goal, but rather act as partial... The initial 24 hours following surgery to the inferior oblique or less commonly other extraocular muscles E posterior... ( NJ ) kept low, 3 to 5mm depending on the preoperative consultation measurements medication rarely.: use of octyl-2-cyanoacrylate 1.548 ) lines in the operated area when freeing up the fat from the underlying,! Have PACU worsen if there is a useful landmark for the upper lid as. Or less commonly other extraocular muscles 30, 31 ] for such conditions corneal formation. The 20mm rule created a web ( possibly medial canthal webbing ) from my brow to a... External approach [ 34 ] R. the general approach to assuring that sufficient skin for... Treatments aimed at central retinal artery occlusion, not orbital hemorrhage adequate skin grafting has already been carried out thereby... Transconjunctival incision and by drying related to lagophthalmos can medial canthal webbing after blepharoplasty the inferior oblique during surgery investigated and followed in skin. Swelling and bruising you may have PACU redundant skin, low-set brows, previous brow lift, or but.