[62] However, Naboo's internal politics were also interfered with by the new regime; while the people were still permitted to elect their monarchs, those who gained the office had little real power or influence. originaltrilogy.com is not affiliated with Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox, or Disney. Gungans live in beautiful submerged . Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan is a Star Wars novel by Claudia Gray, published by Disney Lucasfilm Press on September 1, 2017, as part of the Journey to Star . . Amidala led a successful resistance movement and removed the Federation from her world during the Battle of Naboo. 18 standard hours[7] Through Organa, Alderaan was a member of Chancellor Palpatine's Loyalist Committee, which concerned itself with the stability of the Republic during the Separatist crisis and would later strive to limit Palpatine's increasing executive authority. Naboo can be deceptively quaint, but many factors turn this pretty planet into one of the most influential spots in the galaxy. Societal information [3] In the treatment, rough draft, second draft, and third draft of what would become A New Hope, the name of Alderaan was used for the capital of the "New Galactic Empire." [48] A short time after Alderaan's destruction, the Death Star was destroyed in the Battle of Yavin, taking Tarkin[3] and many other high ranking Imperials with it. Her viceroy and consort Bail Organa was addressed simply as "Viceroy." The same notes also described the planet as being the capital of its star system and possessing its own Senate. The Separatists, the clone army, the secret Sith Lord pulling all the s. All education was free, and people would volunteer to teach various skills or crafts just for fun. [59] The people of Naboo celebrated this event during the Festival of Light. Her state wardrobe also included a dress of bronze silk, which she wore with her hair piled high atop her head in braids woven through with strings of beads, a green dress with wide skirts, and a deep red silk robe. For scenes shot in Naboo, one of the real-world locations included the Caserta Palace in Italy that doubled as the Queen Padme's palace in the capital city of Theed. Palpatine still tells Vader that Padme dies. Also, Princess Leia was fond of simple white gowns that suited most occasions. [27], Due to the fact that Naboo had been the Emperor's homeworld, the planet became a rallying point for Imperial sympathizers. Reasons why Naboo = Alderaan improves the story: 1) Gives more importance to the planet in the prequels (and puts a face to the planet destroyed in ANH) 2) Nice symmetry. Additionally, after being urged to by Captain Quarsh Panaka, Amidala took on a group of Handmaidens, whom she quickly befriended, planning her days with them instead of Panaka. [3] They subsequently resolved to separate and live apart from that point on. Suns There were several schools on the planet where students could advance their knowledge of various art subjects. I liked Naboo, and I liked that Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker's wife were political allies from the same planet. [42] During this time, Alderaan became the Alliance's main source of munitions. After the destruction of Alderaan, Leia is still considered their Princess (and assumed Queen) by . former queen of Naboo Senator Padm Amidala and her entourage were invited to Alderaan by Queen Breha and stayed at the royal palace for a week before returning home to Naboo. Both sides refused to acknowledge their responsibilities in the rift, and the two groups ostracized each other for the longest time. The Empire also demilitarized Naboo and dissolved the Royal Naboo Security Forces's starfighter wing. [51], Alderaan also had a number of traditions involving braids such as who wore them, when and why that varied from continent to continent and age to age. 1: Alderaan's sun Moons 0 Grid square M-10 Trade routes Commenor Run Rotation period 18 standard hours Orbital period 364 standard days Physical information Class Terrestrial Diameter 12,500 kilometers Atmosphere Breathable Primary terrain Forests Mountainous Plains Points of interest Aldera cathedral Appenza Peak Cloudshape Falls Glarus Lagoons Padme's Palace Was Shot In Italy . [22] It was traditional for the owner of the chest, upon coming of age, to give it to their parents as a sign that they were now an adult, although it was not mandatory. (Probably wont because it would be hard to implement but seeing more of Bail would be amazing. anakinfansince1983 , Dec 29, 2013 Core Worlds[1]The Interior[2] Points of interest [11], During the High Republic Era, Alderaan was a prosperous world and, as a signatory of the Republic Defense Coalition treaties, was required to lend starships and personnel to be commanded by Republic military officers during times of crisis. Ithor is a world where its native species took to the skies and stars to let the world heal and florish without their harmful technological influence. Fleeing a brutal civil war,[13] a group of humans from the planet Grizmallt crash-landed on Naboo and set up a small colony. [13] Initially, the Gungans retreated underwater and avoided the colonists[3] and new interlopers. Vader also trusts Palpatine at this point so he would probably just take him for his word like he did in the original. . The exact number of moons in Naboo is currently unknown. Why the hell was Naboo not Alderaan? [48] Shortly after the end of the Clone Wars, thousands of citizens gathered in the streets of Theed in order to assist to Amidala's funeral procession. [1] For example, the palace of the royal family, which as been the work of over a millennium,[11] and the city around it blended into the local snow-capped peaks. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jar Jar Binks and Padm Amidala hailed from the Naboo. For example, both the monarch and his or her consort wore them during the investment ceremony of their heir. [1] Naboo's interior was rich with plasma, a naturally-occurring energy unique to the planet, and this coupled with its lack of molten core gave Naboo a reputation as an enigma to astrophysicists, who regarded the world's structure as an extremely rare phenomenon in the galaxy. During the waning decades of the Galactic Republic, it was ruled by Queen Breha Organa and represented in the Galactic Senate by her husband, Senator Bail Prestor Organa. [49], All remaining systems will bow to the First Order, and will remember this as the last day of the Republic!Armitage Hux, During the Cold War nearly thirty years later between the First Order and the Resistance, Senator Thadl Berenko represented Naboo in the reconstituted New Republic Senate. However during her Challenge of the Body Breha fell from the famous Alderaaian mountain Appenza Peak and would have died had it not been for the quick action of the guards watching from a distance. Content approaching. In the second draft of A New Hope, the home planet of Princess Leia was called Organa Major. Leia and Daln, the Queen of Naboo, are almost killed when Moff Quarsh Panaka is assassinated with a bomb. [66], The real-world locations for Naboo were Plaza de Espaa in Seville, Spain and Lake Como and Caserta Palace in Italy, among others. "[19] However, the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations states that Naboo has only one moon. You must understand this.Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Rugor Nass, Naboo was inhabited by two societies: an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans and a group of peaceful humans who were referred to as the Naboo. We'll deserve to lose it.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarchy on Alderaan already existed a millennium before the rule of the Galactic Empire. In ancient times, Alderaanian heirs who partook in their Day of Demand had to fight their way into the palace throne room. [13], It is an honor to be here for this momentous occasion. [Source]. Baby Luke was brought to his father's planet of Tattooine, and baby Leia brought to her mom's. Please read our Terms of Service. Imperial forces were immobilized by the ion pulse rendering all of their weapons and vehicles inoperable leading to the surrender of Imperial forces. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The last time he'd held her in his arms had been months ago, and she was as busy as him with her duties as Queen of Alderaan. Fauna Since he lost most of his limbs, and thus a lot of his force power, maybe he finds it harder for to sense people, too. 8. It's the whole history of Alderaanian architecture in one massive building.Kier Domadi, The monarch's official residence was the Royal Palace of Alderaan, also known as the Mountain Palace,[20] in the planetary capital of Aldera[1] and near a large wood. Black Tile, Modified 4 x 4 with Studs on Edge with Lego Star Wars Logo and Tantive IV Rebel Trooper Alderaan Pattern - Set 75011. . Alderaanian[24] I know Naboo and Alderaan aren't the same place, but that's fucking stupid and it would be more emotional if we had gotten to know Alderaan in the prequels just to have it blown up in the first movie. Identity yourselves. Under the contract, Naboo took advantage of every other planet in the Chommell sector from time to time. [71], Some twenty days after the Battle of Endorwhich resulted in the defeat of the Empire by the Alliance to Restore the Republicthe Royal House of Naboo received a visit by Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, who had been sent by Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the Alliance. Site content Copyright 2003-2023 TEH Innernets LLC. Many heirs of Alderaan would give up their keepsake chest before their investiture as crown prince or princess though the ritual didn't demand it. Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. [52], In 4 ABY, Leia married Han Solo on the forest moon of Endor. [62], I need you to convince the Senate, or the Jedi Council, or whoever is in charge of this terrible war that we are threatened.Neeyutnee, to Padm Amidala, Both the Naboo and the Gungans remained loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, though many on Naboo were in despair at the idea of a galaxy-wide war. Breha also sent her people to dangerous places where they were needed, and though some of them never came back to their families, they didn't blame her as they knew she had sacrificed and would again if she had to. Major exports [1] In the distant past, belligerence did exist on Alderaan,[4] and princes and princesses who made their claim to the crown sometimes had to fight their way to the throne room on their Day of Demand. In Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu mentions "spice miners on the moons of Naboo. [9] The planet's mountainous terrain was modelled after a location in the Swiss Alps. Due to the destruction of Alderaan Leia's mother, Breha Organa, couldn't attach the Rhindon Sword to her waist before Leia went to meet her husband though during the ceremony Leia felt as if her mother was attaching the sword and her father, Bail Organa, was kissing her on the cheek. The pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words. Wesa warriors.Jar Jar Binks, Following the wars with humans, the Gungan tribes engaged in war with each other. [7] Beside its natural features, Naboo was considered a world of classical beauty due to the aesthetics of its population centers. One of Amidala's final projects, which continued under the reign of her successor, was the implementation of an ion pulse in Theed in case of future invasions. [1] Like all the other Elder Houses,[17] the Alderaanian monarchy did not adjudicate succession through strict bloodline inheritance, meaning that adopted children, such as Leia Organa, could ascend to the throne. This failed, however, when he fought Kenobi and Skywalker. [69] The fleet consisted of members of Danger Squadron, which arrived in T-65B X-wing starfighters led by Danger Leader Duros Shriv Suurgav,[27] Nunb in the Mellcrawler II, and the MC80 Star Cruiser Restoration. The last monarch was Queen Breha Organa, who perished along with her homeworld when the Galactic Empire destroyed Alderaan with the Death Star in 0 BBY. [61] In an upsurge of sympathy and solidarity toward the invaded planet, the queen's emissary in the Galactic Senate, the seemingly unassuming Senator Sheev Palpatine, was made Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Breathable[9] [1], The first step was the Day of Demand, which took place sixteen years after the heir's original Name Day, on which the heir apparent carried the Rhindon Sword though the palace throne room, where they would speak the ritual dialogue and would publicly claim his or her right to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges, that of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. Contents 1 Geography 2 History 2.1 Pre-Human period 2.2 Human colonization Rish Loo and Dooku's plot was foiled by the combined efforts of Senator Amidala, Representative Binks, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and General Roos Tarpals. Aldera (capital)[11]Crevasse City[7]Sanctuary Coast[7]Unidentified city[25] These ships and personnel would then be returned to Alderaan after the crisis ended. At some point during the Clone Wars, Alderaan hosted a conference concerned with aiding war refugees. Climate disruption array now at twenty percent. Demonym [69], Sab, former handmaiden of Padme Amidala, brought Darth Vader to Naboo in 3 ABY. [13], During the High Republic Era, the former Jedi Padawan Kantam Sy found the Force-sensitive Lula Talisola amongst the children cared for at an orphanage on Naboo. Many heirs gave up their keepsake chests at the point of investiture, but the ritual didn't demand it. However, these attempts were successfully foiled by Corona Squadron. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Sector Named Operation: Cinder, the Empire's plan was to disrupt Naboo's environment and climate, and thus render the planet inhospitable. Before the Death Star destroyed it, Alderaan was a terrestrial planet closely resembling Earth. Les romans Star Wars ont t dits en franais ds 1977 avec la parution en grand format du roman La Guerre des toiles par les ditions Presses de la Cit. Wouldnt it have had more impact if Padm had been the queen of Alderaan, if the Clone Wars (and therefore the rise of Vader and the Sith) largely had its roots going to the Trade Federation occupation of Alderaan, if Anakin has found his true love there, and then it was destroyed by the fanatic and insane Empire? Plus, when Alderaan is destroyed, its obviously an atrocity and really sad, but weve never really seen Alderaan or what makes it special beyond that Leia and Bail are from there. [70], Very simply this, that Naboo represents the best of the Old Republic. [32], Upon the formation of its monarchy it was established that the heir apparent to Alderaan must complete a Challenge of the Heart, Challenge of the Mind and Challenge of the Body which would be announced on their Day of Demand and upon completion they would be officially invested as heir. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The decision to install the pulse, whilst meeting with general approval, was nevertheless controversial as some, such as Quarsh Panaka, favored the idea of more robust and extensive defenses whilst others felt that installing any weapon system was against everything Naboo stood for in terms of peace. Naboo is an easy target for the blockade in TPM because it's close to the Outer Rim, so the Senate won't be nearly as reactionary as they would if it was a core world. The map would later be incorporated into The Rebel Files. The palace also housed the Rhindon Sword[1] and a landscape painting of Appenza Peak. Padme Amidala ( Natalie Portman) is the Queen of Naboo at the age of 14, and we know that Leia becomes an influential politician on Alderaan during her adolescence. [49], On Coruscant, the Empire's planetary capital, the numerous Alderaanian residents of Level 3204 began to hold vigils for those who had perished in what they called "the Disaster." As they established their own society, they initially kept separate from the Gungans. Please don't sue us. [43], During the Galactic Civil War, Alderaan was listed as an Alliance safe world. The war came to an end due to the actions of Boss Gallo, a Gungan who united the tribes under one banner through diplomatic and military means. 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