Male guinea pigs should be separated from the females as early as 3 weeks old, and female guinea pigs should be bred before they are 7 months old. Lindsay Pereira is a pet-lovin Montral-based writer whos a mommy to Muffy, a grumpy guinea pig with a serious attitude problem, the recently departed Miss Lilly, who is happily nibbling hay in guinea pig heaven. Cavy Slave. Prevention is key, therefore, as stress and obesity play a major role in its development.. Wondering if you are able to commit to being a responsible pet parent to these adorable little rodents? Attempt to find a vet who has considerable experience in dealing with rodents and other little creatures, instead of simply a nonexclusive vet. Usually, a guinea pig's pregnancy lasts from 59-72 days. To feel for the unborn, place the pig on a towel on a firm surface. However, the following guinea pig pregnancy timeline will simplify the entire gestation period and demystify the experience, so you can provide a stress-free environment for your little mama and her tiny pups.. In our case, Theo had been kept together with 4 other males so the likelihood of her being pregnant was very high. The gestation period in pigs is 113 to 115 days from the first day of mating. She may eat up to the triple measure that she typically eats. This may result in the delivery of live pigs, the correction of torsion or the piglets may be dead. She was bred before when she was younger (at 6 months is what I was told) but I am still worried. However, they are more prone to health problems in the latter stages of pregnancy. Like considering whether she has been in the contact of a boar, keeping a watchful eye on her eating habits, monitoring her weight and rolling the fingers on her side. Weight gain may be subtle in the first hundred days, but keep an eye for any signs that your pig is growing. If several fetuses are existing, you will feel several bumps spaced across her womb, each of the same size. What are some more signs that she is going to go into labor??? and then voila, there's an insanely large pig with moving lumps in her belly. Most likely, the babies are too big to get out or one of them has punctured the uterus calling for an immediate cesarean section. When I'm not writing, I enjoy kickboxing and work as an animal trainer. Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this isnt medical advice and if you assume there might be a health-related issue, you should contact your vet. The majority of guinea pigs give birth during daylight. Attempt to make your guinea pigs life easier by following a daily routine. Contractions that range from mild (during early labor) to strong (during active labor) Effacementthinning of the cervix. Female guinea pigs begin a new estrous cycle shortly after giving birth. In most cases, a guinea pigs mothers instincts do not kick in immediately. As you get closer to labor, your water may break and you may have back pain or . Do let us know when the babies are born. Watch your sow for signs of illness during pregnancy. Required fields are marked *. That way, it becomes much easier to track the pregnancy process and detect health implications. For pet proprietors, gaining an understanding and knowledge of this part of their pets life is also important. Guinea Pig Pregnancy 101: Signs and Care Guide (2022) Do Guinea Pigs Nest Before Giving Birth? If her body is metabolizing fat, it will generate ketones, which you can measure with strips for her urine. In both cases, your pet needs to be seen by a vet. My mission is to teach others useful tips and tricks about these cute creatures. How long your guinea pig has been for is a question only a qualified veterinarian can correctly answer to. There is, however, a thin line between sounding heartwarming and scary when people say the words guinea pig pregnancy. There are various signs of pregnancy in guinea pigs. You most likely wont be able to do this without a proper instrument, as she will only probably put on a few grams per day. If several fetuses are present, you will feel several bumps spaced across her tummy, each of a similar size. There is a 3-5 minute interval between each baby. The second stage of labor is the actual pushing of pigs out of the birth canal. Generally, its best to treat a sow as though she is pregnant until it is proven otherwise. As she goes into labor she will release out a cry. website builder. Thats why there are some obvious signs for any owner to notice whether his/her guinea pig is carrying babies. alrightywill try that. Negligence and ignorance can prove to be fatal for the mother and the babies. The birth canals of these animals are very narrow. Usually, their pregnancy is non-problematic. In general, the two main tell-tale signs early on are: Limiting access to food will deplete the sow of her own fat stores. What you're looking at in the photo above is the clitoral hood of a gilt, that is to say a female pig who has not yet had a litter. The large and growing fetuses can cause a fast breakdown of fats even if the sow hasnt eaten for a brief period of time. Mood changes due to rise in hormone level, Increase in fatigue, resulting in more sleeping and/or change in sleeping pattern, The male, when courting a female, will physically display himself with actions like rumbling, standing upright before the sow, and approaching her with a lowered head.. Guinea pigs are without a doubt cute, and baby guinea pigs climb twice as high on the cuteness ladder. During this time, you must keep the boars away from the sows. Are there any signs of impending birth for guinea pigs? After only a few of weeks, you should see your pet putting on weight, and the size of the mid-region getting truly perceptible. I am a little glad that there are more because that means they will be smaller, but I don't want too many. This means that we may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase something through an affiliate link. The mother remains at risk for some medical complications for a few days after giving birth, so keep a close eye on her. While your sow might bear from one to six pups or even more, the average litter size is 3. We'll discuss all the things you need to know about guinea pig pregnancy. A voracious appetite and a heavier-than-normal appearance are good signs that your pig is pregnant. Pregnant Guinea Pig Signs, Behavior & Care. The whole process from first contraction to last baby can be as short as 15 minutes, and up to 40 minutes depending on how many babies she has. All rights reserved. What is a Group of Guinea Pigs Called? Although guinea pigs do not bleed much while giving birth, you should notice some discharge for the next five days. Cervix begins to dilate. Is your sow pregnant? Loose-feeling joints. I can feel the outlines of the babies. Cramps and increased back pain. It is worth noting that female guinea pigs can get pregnant at four weeks old. A female can give . But usually, by the second day, they realize that no one else is tending to these little noisy creatures so they might as well do it. NEVER try and pull anything out of the Mom. In common, by the end of a pregnancy, the pregnant guinea pigs load will have doubled; the piglets normally make up more than half of the sows weight. Any apparent change of behavior in means of lethargy, anorexia, or depression can be a sign of sickness. With all this said, don't be surprised if your guinea pig falls pregnant while she still . oh, and I do wonder what the piglets will end up looking like maybe you'll get a pleasant mix of long/short hair? Their gestational period may last between 59 - 72 days. Well with guinea pigs its the opposite. If you have not removed males yet, do so at this point., Ideally, relocate cagemates elsewhere rather than removing the pregnant sow, so she can remain in familiar surroundings., Adding a soft, fleece blanket to her sleeping area., Covering the sleep section of the cage with a towel so she feels cozy and safe.. The release of the placenta is the third and final farrowing stage. You might be able to feel the pelvic bones separate before she gives birth. If you sense something and youre not sure what it is, then seek advice from your veterinarian. Many guinea pig parents don't intend to purchase a pregnant guinea pig or cause a pregnancy, but regardless of your intentions, it is important to be prepared for this possibility. Enriching the guinea pigs diet with kale, broccoli, green peppers, and parsley is also advised. See this how to video as a pig gives birth in a farrowing crate. Although the cervix needs to dilate at least 10 centimeters for a vaginal delivery, cervical dilation of at least 2 to 3 centimeters often indicates that labor is 24 to 48 hours away. The best clue might be when they stop the mating ritualnatures call has been answered, and they both quiet down. I have no idea when she was bred. Bumps can also refer to ovarian cysts or tumors. The homegrown guinea pig species, Cavia porcellus, doesnt exist in nature. Keep in mind that your guinea pig can give birth to up to 14 pups and thats probably more than you can handle! Keep an Eye on the Boys. That way, you get assured of a thriving litter and healthy mother. You should also provide the sow with a stress-free environment. In the best-case scenario, make arrangements to have a visiting vet check her every once in a while. Others due to the strain and fatigue require more time to get accustomed. The estrous cycle length is 16 days. I feel their feet kicking me. A new estrous cycle in saws can begin very shortly after giving birth. Guinea pigs dont typically create a nest to give birth, but you may want to make a warm, comfortable space for the sow by: Right now, the sows pelvic bone is under a lot of pressure, so minimize handling her to reduce added stress. Nevertheless, if your sow is not yet matured and is less than 6-8 months of age, she will still be growing and thus weight gain may not be symptomatic of pregnancy. She may, if he persists, even urinate on him. Once the pups come out, the mother licks and devours the fetal substances plus the placenta. Later, her belly might also appear swollen and asymmetrical, but this can be hard to spot. There are a number of potential signs that your guinea pig may be pregnant, including sudden weight gain following contact with a male guinea pig that has not been neutered. Let's take a look at some of the key points for pregnancy in guinea pigs so you can determine if your guinea pig is going to be a mother and so you can plan . The guinea pig's heat cycle lasts 16 days. This is the most exciting period! Your pregnant sow will require more Vitamin C, about twice so much, so fuse all the more new foods grown from the ground high in nutrient C into her eating routine. Pre-farrowing happens 10 to 14 days before the delivery day. Avoid over-feeding her, however, because by the time she moves into the latter stages of pregnancy it will be difficult if shes carrying extra body fat. I rescued these guinea pigs that were pregnant when I got them. At that point, the ultrasound machine is put on the skin and transmits a high-recurrence sound that is quiet to human ears. Try giving her green peppers, more broccoli and kale. The sow starts to prefer fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content. Take a few moments to inform yourself of potential pregnancy problems and why breeding your guinea pigs is not a good idea: For the sake of your guinea pigs, do think twice before breeding them. After you dry it off, put it back down beside the Mom. . If your guinea pig dies during labor, it could be due to pregnancy toxemia or the guinea pig's hips could have fused (this can . The first noticeable sign on a pregnant sow is an increased appetite. In reality, close to 20% of expectant sows die while giving birth. Some factors like body size, breed and number of fetuses affect the pig gestation period or length. Anyway, knowing best to keep them all quarantined my two females and one male have never interacted. 0. The guinea pigs weight increase starts with a few grams per day. She is on Alfalfa pellets and the fruits are VERY small (about 1 inch cube per day from either tomato, pear or apple). Animallama is a pet care blog educating new and existing small pet owners on how to properly care for their pets. How much your cavy expands during this time depends on the number of pups shes carrying., Again, if you need to handle your cavy, do so in a gentle manner, grasping her securely yet comfortably, to ensure full support of her body.. Your vet may likewise hear the piglets pulses in the sows mid-region. If you see your sow bleeding, more than a tablespoon, dripping blood, or many pieces of bloody bedding with no babies, you are best advised to get to a vet. Young female pups reach maturity at around two months and can effectively bear life. Some sows take up caring for their young ones right away after birth. I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. Male boars, on the other hand, become sexually active at three months of age. The female doubles in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during pregnancy. This is easily detectable by squeezing the teats. Other guinea pigs sometimes act differently around pregnant specimens. At this stage, the sow will appear quite swollen in the midsection. It is one of the first physical signs your guinea pig is pregnant shows. Risk reduction includes preventing obesity in the mother guinea pig and providing adequate energy in the diet late in gestation. Your email address will not be published. Today, they are kept as pets around the globe. Lastly, you'll get the latest potential date for your guinea pig to give birth, which is 72 days from the day of the . If male guinea pigs are in the vicinity, you might see them congregating around a pregnant female just prior to labor. She can be on alfalfa-based pellets though (or another form of additional calcium). But these little critters also mature early both physically and sexually. In the event that he endures, shell hose his excitement by peeing on him. You should be watchful of the sow, because you really wont notice any difference in her appearance for the first few weeks. I know guinea pigs don't. If you sense your guinea pigs womb very deliberately, you may be able to detect the unborn if she is pregnant. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. Prior to pregnancy, the two lovebirds should mate. If there are large quantities of blood, or gooey bloody stuff after 2-3 days, or the sow is not acting normally, she might have retained a placenta or a baby. Usually, a normal labor process lasts not more than 10 minutes. By the time she reaches the seventh week of pregnancy, the babies will make up about half of her total body weight. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. Other potential complications are prolapse, retained placenta, uterine tears, etc. Mostly, guinea pigs deliver during the day and rarely at night. Such temperature drops can happen at any point of the pregnancy. Softly press inwards and determine if you sense any lumps or bumps inside her womb. The male guinea pig is called a boar, while the female is known as a sow. Find The Best Deals on Your Favorite guinea pig Products and Save! Keep in mind! Most guinea pigs give birth in the daytime hours. These little critters can be one solid color, two colors, or tri-colored! On average, the process lasts around one to four hours. Cavies were initially brought into Europe during the 1500s. Not only will we dive deeper into how you can actually find out if your piggy might be pregnant and how you can take steps and precautions towards their delivery date. The babies try eating from the very first day, and they are born with enough reserve of energy (usually) to sustain until Mom's instincts kick in. If you notice a pup with the sac remaining over its face, break the membrane open with your finger nail. A female guinea pigs weight will rise remarkably if shes pregnant. Does she appear calm or grunts and call out to her piglets? Do it every day at the same time routinely. That is normal. In the event that the vet affirms that your pig is pregnant, at that point it is significant that you ensure you realize how to appropriately take care of her. 0. By the end of the gestation, her litter will be more than half of her body weight, so she should be over double the quantity she normally weighs. Even though you can assist the birthing by yourself, its always better to leave it to licensed professionals. Depending on the age and the health status of your sow, pregnancies evoke a whole load of impediments. The guinea pig gestation period is 59 to 72 days . This thing will assist you with moving towards the additional examination. I named her Janice. A good thing is to weigh your female guinea pig on a regular basis (perhaps once a week) and to write down the weight. The gestation period in guinea pigs varies between 59 and 72 days. Pups will each have their own amniotic sac, which the sow normally removes and ingests. The estrous cycle is somewhat typical in means of behavioral changes of the female guinea pig. At the end of the middle stage, the movement of the babies will become visible under the skin. Avoid putting any pressure on her body. Female guinea pigs begin a new estrous cycle shortly after giving birth. Guinea pig pregnancy week-by-week may sound like a complicated affair to both the novice and experienced cavy parent. Guinea pigs need extra vitamin C during pregnancy, so you may see her favoring the products of the soil having the vitamin C in high quantity over those lacking it. Interesting fact - The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! During this time the sow needs to be weighed weekly. In these regions, native Americans domesticated them for food. Jane is an advocate for animal welfare and supports organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife. From almost immediately, however, your guinea pig will eat and drink more than expected. Female guinea pigs can come back into heat 15 hours after giving birth. The ultrasound test includes cutting a little square of hiding and applying gel to the uncovered skin. So we have Janice, Zelma and Possum (looks similar to an Opposum ). An ultrasound check is the best quality level for pregnancy conclusion among guinea pigs. Medical Disclaimer: does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. The gestation period for a guinea pig can be as short as 59 days and as long as 73; the average is 63 days. If the male or other guinea pigs seem to get on her nerves, move them into another cage. Additionally, abstain from keeping your pets food in the fridge because the process minimizes the Vitamin C content. Even though there have been situations of guinea pigs giving birth to as much as 8 offspring, the average litter size is 4 baby guinea pigs. Just a disclaimer: Beware that you should not wildly breed guinea pigs if you dont have a proper breeding program or the appropriate financial situation as well as time to care for them. Guinea pig mother lactates for 2-3 weeks. Last Updated on January 25, 2023November 5, 2020 by Danielle. All pregnancies are risky and breeding is never recommended. If he persists, shell dampen his enthusiasm by urinating on him! Begin by creating a C shape with your thumb and first finger, and then rolling the thumb over the top of her tummy and the forefinger beneath her belly. But do you really understand what it takes to care for these fluffy friends? This is because the strain and pressure implicated puts at risk the life of a female guinea pig. This gilt's pregnancy indicator is pointing up. A few proprietors have brought a young guinea pig home, to find that she is pregnant as of now! The male on, the other hand, will put on his manly display but will still approach the saw with a lowered head. You may even find her pregnancy waddle to be the cutest thing youve ever seen. Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Can They Live Together. Nonetheless, be wary that other conditions like cancer or cysts disguise as bumps in the body. I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. 0. . . So it is easier for them to locate solid food even if the mother is not supportive. A sow can birth up to 5 litters per year, though miscarriages and stillbirths are common. Interesting fact The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! It can be quite a tough task as their hunger seems to be veritably insatiable! The pups will be fully furred and have their eyes open. Signs of Pregnancy. Changes in the Estrous Cycle. Think twice before you breed your guinea pig! In most cases, the small forms are a sign of guinea pig pregnancy. Thank you for your information. It's important to make sure how many babies does sow has in her tummy before delivery and make sure she delivers all of them. The gestation period in guinea pigs could be anywhere between 59-72 days. Legitimate administration of the pregnant sow requires a comprehension of the danger factors for pregnancy related sickness and a capacity to perceive early indications of issues. Pregnant guinea pigs arent accustomed to building nests, yet any type of clean soft bedding will do just fine. Sometimes she may wait to attend the young ones until all babies are delivered. About 5-10 minutes will pass before she has more contractions and has the second . Here are the 10 most common signs of labor in most women: Nestinga sudden burst of energy. The period during which the female is receptive to the male and will allow breeding lasts about 8 hours. Guinea pigs are not nesters, so you might not notice any changes in behavior as delivery time gets closer. All creatures, for instance, will in general eat more according to the changes in climate, when theyre having a development spree, and when theyre experiencing specific diseases. Start Now. Daily touch-up cleaning of her habitat to keep it as clean as possible without removing her. I have had sows deliver at night, and by morning you would never know she had babies except there are little pigs in the cage! Thats why the best age for a guinea pig to get pregnant is between 4 and 7 months of age. Getting a pet for yourself is a big responsibility in itself. Think about whether your guinea pig was in the contact of a boar. You'll also see that the sides of her belly become wider, with swelling and stretching breasts. How old do guinea pigs have to be to breed? During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus blocks the cervical opening to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. Cessation of this agitated behavior indicates labor has begun. Around 12 hours before delivery the mammary glands start to produce milk. Respiratory rate increases, and sometimes pigs will breathe through open mouths. If any of them seem to bother her or tease her, they will need to be put in a separate cage. 5. There should be little or no blood, especially before any babies have been produced. Generally, this happens after the last little one makes its way out. When a guinea pig is pregnant the pelvic canal stretches as a result of hormonal secretion. Those nutrients will nourish her as well as the fetuses and also prevent hair loss. A female is fertile for about 6 to 11 hours, most often during night hours. In the pregnant female, the symphysis relaxes and stretches in response to secretion of relaxin by the pituitary gland and endometrium, allowing separation of the pubic bones (Williams 2012, Brower 2006, Martinho 2006). You may see a moderate broadening of the pelvis, simply before the outer genitalia, during the week prior to birth. ) to strong ( during early labor ) Effacementthinning of the same time routinely never try pull... 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