There is no evidence to prove cloud seeding affected the flood. 27 Jul 2022, 11:08 AM UTC Cloud seeding in Australia. The silver iodide causes water droplets in the clouds to form ice crystals that become heavier and fall faster, releasing precipitation. For one of the planes, only the nose and part of the propeller are visible, and the photograph appears to have been . As the trough is expected to move slightly east, computer models show that by Friday there is a bit of a bullseye over Brisbane, a BoM forecaster says. Compared to the current flood, the factor is almost threefold. The area of cooler air in the upper atmosphere drifts into the low pressure trough and starts to deliver record-breaking downpours over Brisbane and its surrounds. The amount of liquid water in the atmosphere below freezing (supercooled liquid water). The analysis, which was also supported by the governments independent review, found that based on data collected by the aircrafts instruments and data from the Bureau of Meteorology, the cloud being seeded was already precipitating and contained significant amounts of ice, so efforts to initiate additional precipitation had no effect. 'The Gold Coast and surrounds is currently under a government weather warfare attack,' he told his army of devoted followers. 2022 . . The comments below have not been moderated. The first trials were carried out near Sydney by Kraus and Squires in 1947. Through the advancement in nanotechnology and nanoscience, nowadays we are working to design and engineer cloud-seeding materials with optimal properties to ensure water vapor condensation will occur effectively and maximize the rainfall achieved, explains Dr. Zou. Why doesn't Australia use the cloud seeding method? According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Tasmania saw very low rainfall, around 26 percent below the average for March 2022. This stored water can help ensure renewable energy generation and downstream water availability during future drier years, when inflows are lower. Laurel: This is very critical because the cloud seeding materials go very high up into the atmosphere where it is very cold, correct? The first cloud seeding trials were carried out by Kraus and Squires (1947) near Sydney. By James Dinneen March 3, 2022. But there is no evidence to suggest cloud seeding has anything to do with the current rainfall in Sydney. If we had started where we started from in 2011 we would be in serious trouble.. It's obvious when viewed on the radar.'. Another added: 'Absolutely nothing natural about the rainfall in the past 5 months. Many of the accounts seen by the BBC posting this type of content have also shared other conspiracy theories involving global warming, Covid vaccines, and the Moon landings. Cloud-seeding is a weather-modification practice used to artificially create or promote additional rain/snow from existing clouds. The process works by shooting microscopic particles of silver iodide into existing clouds using land based generators or aircraft. For the third time this year, Sydney has been hit by major floods. Centrelink jobseeker overhauled with new 'point-based system' . Despite the online claims, cloud seeding is not responsible for any of the east coast floods, said weather modification expert Simon Siems. There is no evidence to back up such theories, but this hasn't prevented falsehoods from reaching thousands of people online. This is done by firing small particles (usually silver iodide) into clouds . Dr. Zou: Yes. In Gympie, the towns central business district is inundated. The key factors of a successful cloud seeding operation include, first, identifying the suitable cloud for seeding. The Queensland capitals mayor, Adrian Schrinner, says there is a rain bomb over the city. 7.4 Cloud seeding from a plane uses silver iodide burners, dry ice pellets or hygroscopic flares. Why are you interested in this type of research? Cloud seeding is a real thing. Additionally, silver iodide, a common agent . I'm your host, Laurel Ruma. Satisfactory evidence in relation to this might be a flight path, combined with evidence of a permit or . in response calling the claims misinformation and denying that it conducts cloud seeding flights, stating that it only operates an aerial photography aircraft. On the other hand, cloud seeding practice is to release artificial seeding materials as nuclei to initiate the water vapor in the cloud to condense into droplets and promote the formation of large droplets until they grow big enough to fall as rain. A look at aerial and ground-based cloud seeding techniques. I used an eight cubic meter chamber with controlled humidity and temperature. To "seed" cloud formation, a small aircraft releases a cloud of particulate matter. The flight lasted an hour and 34 minutes over the Upper Derwent catchment, targeting Lake Echo. 'Cloud seeding is being used to increase rainfall by corrupt governments to act on mother nature. A device at the top of the chamber releases the seeding materials. "A pilot from Handel Aviation in Cessna 210N Centurion VH-JIL did a breakfast time cloud seeding run over Lismore South & Ballina today while sightseeing the massive flood below him," one widely shared post reads. As well as the rising river levels, the amount of rain falling locally causes flash floods all across the city and its outer suburbs as creeks swell, inundating areas that escaped the 2011 floods. >$379 million (2022 USD) [1] Heavy flooding broke out in the Central Coast and Sydney areas of New South Wales, Australia, beginning in early July 2022. The higher you move up to the atmosphere, quickly moving into subzero and very cold. Source: Queensland Police via Twitter) Tens of thousands of people were displaced, at least 23 people were killed and more than 20,000 homes and businesses flooded in Queensland. There is already local flooding from the intense and incessant rain that is interspersed with violent thunderstorms. Greta Thunberg joins activists' protest against a wind farm in Norway, Stronger hurricanes threaten homes even away from the coasts, Venice canals run dry as lingering weather system impacts tide cycles, Climate change is making winter weather warmer and "weirder". Large areas of south-east Queensland are placed under a warning for intense rainfall and thunderstorms that will cause flooding. Read about our approach to external linking. Dr. Zou: Yes. Then we can later analyze at what stage the droplets formed and at what number and size of the droplets. Cloud seeding is a real thing. NSW's Snowy Mountains region. Unfortunately, such material is unpredictable, where and how much available. Once this water is released from the hydropower lakes, downstream river catchments can also benefit from increased water to irrigate crops. 1. Pictured: Local resident inspects floodwater in her street on March 31, 2022 in Lismore, NSW, Pictured: Debris from flood-damaged homes piles up in Lismore, NSW, Tuesday, March 29, 2022, Conspiracy theorist James Bartolo (pictured) claimsAustralia's east coast are part of a 'government weather warfare attack'. The BBC censored the crowd booing Boris Johnson at the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations. In my project, we have changed the surface of the material to make it more reactive so it can work at a lower and wider relative humidity to make it more likely to happen. NearMap confirmed to AFP the photos taken by Handel Aviation were commissioned to map disaster-affected areas for insurers and emergency services. They are made of many super cooled water vapors, so although they are below zero, they remain as vapor. The information and techniques are out of date and their effectiveness is not well understood. The aerial images were commissioned after the flooding and were used to document the impact of the disaster on property and infrastructure, for government agencies, emergency services, insurance groups and others, according to the statement. A decades old idea, with todays innovation, might be the answer to help drought-stricken countries and to fight climate change. Australia 05:57 31 Mar 2022 . Laurel: That was Dr. Linda Zou, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Khalifa University of Science and Technology, who I spoke with from Cambridge, Massachusetts, the home of MIT and MIT Technology Review, overlooking the Charles River. After cloud seeding activities were carried out to bring precipitation, some parts of China's Chongqing welcomed long-awaited rains recently, but experts warned that the city and the region should prepare for possible flooding and landslides. Although cloud seeding has been around since the 1940s, climate change and population growth are driving scientists to take a closer look at the technology, which could offer a viable cost-effective supplement to existing water supplies, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, like the United Arab Emirates. Cloud seeding involves adding small particles into existing clouds to help them grow. Some of the natural sources include bushfires, volcanoes and dust storms, while artificial sources of condensation nuclei include industry emissions and cloud seeding operations. The United Arab Emirates is creating its own rain using drones that fly into clouds and unleash electrical charges to beat the sweltering 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius) heat. One patent is filed on the titanium dioxide, sodium chloride material for warm cloud seeding, and another patent is filed for porous graphite oxide, silica dioxide, nano compensated for cold cloud seeding. There are up to 15,000 homes flooded in the city, with 1,544 people in evacuation centres in the south-east. Handel Aviation posted a statement in response calling the claims misinformation and denying that it conducts cloud seeding flights, stating that it only operates an aerial photography aircraft. Conspiracy theorists spread the false claims on social media after weeks of torrential rains led to deadly east coast floods over the past two months, engulfing homes and sweeping cars from the roads. In the U.S., studies have found a few percentage points of increase in precipitation. That aircraft was capturing images of the flood damage at the time, according to the statement. Apr 22, 2022. The term 'rain bomb' was coined by Daily Mail Australia in 2017 to describe sudden and intense rainstorms, and has since been picked up by politicians and even the Bureau of Meteorology. A planned factory marks a major milestone in the US for new batteries that enable lower-cost, longer-lasting EVs. The conventional cloud seeding material can only be activated at a very high relative humidity in atmosphere in the cloud, such as greater than 75% relative humidity. Somerset Dam, that can feed Wivenhoe, also starts to rapidly fill, going from 80% to 148% in one day. A team of pilots is conducting an investigation by releasing the seeding materials and in real time capturing and analyzing them. Social media users are also sharing a separate example to baselessly claim that cloud seeding played a role in flooding that happened throughout February and March in Queensland and New South Wales, leading to more than a dozen deaths. Reeling under the severe heatwaves and drought, some parts of Chongqing city in southern China welcomed the long-awaited rain as the southwestern . A Facebook post with over 23K views asserts this claim with footage from a news broadcast about cloud seeding before a severe flood in Southern Tasmania. QLD Premier's father runs genetic data storage company. Cloud seeding can also, in some cases, cause the cloud to grow larger and last longer than it would have without the modification. Australia One Party (A1) - Update March 3, 2022. We will revisit our evidence and verdict and conduct additional research to verify new information. Between 1967 and 1972, during the Vietnam War, it spent roughly $3 million each year on weather modification . This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Bureau of Meteorology, Australia (@BOM_au) February 26, 2022 About 18,000 homes in Brisbane and surrounding areas have been flooded and more than 50,000 are without power. Dr. Zou leads a groundbreaking research project using nanotechnology to develop cloud seeding materials. Hydro Tasmania also denied that its flights were to blame and said in a statement that an analysis shows the operation had no measurable impact on rainfall on that day.. That's it for this episode of Business Lab. What are the challenges with then deploying the material out in the real world? Cloud seeding is the process of artificially generating rain by implanting clouds with particles such as silver iodide crystals. But Khan says the Brisbane flooding could easily have been much worse. If you continue to get this message, Australia's 2022 floods have seen Brisbane's Southbank hit by a 'rain bomb'. And why has Queenslands capital flooded again just 11 years after the devastation of 2011? Laurel: Cloud seeding is a form of weather modification that mimics what naturally occurs in clouds but enhances the process by adding particles that can stimulate and accelerate the condensation process. In a 2016 news report from the Australian TV network 7News, the broadcasters discuss Tasmanians' worries that cloud seeding might have contributed to the state's worst floods in forty years. CBS News reported on April 8 that many Australian pilots and aviation companies received threats regarding false claims on social media about cloud seeding. "These aerial captures are commissioned after major weather catastrophes and natural disasters, including following the recent east coast flooding," the NearMap spokesman said. There is no evidence to prove cloud seeding affected the flood. Cloud condensation nuclei can be introduced into the atmosphere naturally or artificially. Social media users are also sharing a separate example to baselessly claim that cloud seeding played a role in. We also assess the Snowy Schemes reservoir storage levels to ensure additional snowmelt from cloud seeding will not contribute to flooding downstream, Snowy Hydro said. Leverage advanced weather intelligence and decisioning tools for your enterprise business. [email protected] with a list of newsletters youd like to receive. Cloud seeding: Making rain in desert. She was awarded a grant by the UAE Research Program on rain enhancement science from 2016 to 2019. The 2022 eastern Australia floods were one of the nation's worst recorded flood disasters with a series of floods that occurred from February to April in South East Queensland, the Wide Bay-Burnett and parts of coastal New South Wales. Resources: https: . It is not yet known whether these findings also apply to wild conditions. Published: 00:57 EDT, 31 March 2022 | Updated: 00:57 EDT, 31 March 2022. 'I've been in Wagga Wagga for the last four days and the amount of chemtrails in the sky above the Riverina region is beyond comprehension,' the person commented. An amusement ride is seen inundated by floodwaters in Sydney. The global water shortage has continuously intensified by rapid population growth and economic development around the world. Observed so far: 1. upcoming events, and more. So how did it come about, and how does it compare to the 2011 Brisbane disaster? Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Weather and cloud-seeding experts say it is impossible for the rain-making technology to work on such a large scale, and the incessant downpours are due to a La Nina weather system - a fact that . A Facebook post with over 23K views asserts this claim with footage from a news broadcast about cloud seeding before a severe flood in Southern Tasmania. cloud seeding, cloud seeding rain in dubai, cloud seeding technology, cloud seeding explained, cloud seeding gone wrong, cloud seeding rain, cloud seeding ro. This nanoengineered shell core structured material can be activated at much broader relative humidity conditions such as about 65%. APS ASSESSMENT: False. Conspiracy theorists have claimed that cloud seeding leads to climate change and natural disasters like floods. You are also pursuing funding initiatives at this point too, for your research. Brisbane wakes up to major flooding. Immediately after the seeding is released, the electronic equipment, which are electronic optical cameras, will quickly take many, many photos to record the image while the seeding material's falling. About this record. Pictured: Homes inundated by floodwater in Lismore, NSW, James Bartolo (pictured) is a former bodybuilder who promotes a range of bizarre conspiracies. Often, a compound like Silver Iodine (AgI) is used as the particulate matter, as it is naturally occurring in the world in low concentrations. Laurel: Back to your technology, you filed a patent on the cloud seeding material itself. James Bartolo, a prominent former Melbourne anti-lockdown activist and Covid denier, promoted the bizarre, false explanation on his Facebook page. FILE - Buildings are surrounded by flood waters in Londonderry on the outskirts of Sydney, Australia, Thursday, March 3, 2022. China, which already artificially alters its weather over major cities, plans to be able to modify weather over half its territory by 2025, to the alarm of neighbours including India. Some conspiracy theorists have been sharing a 2016 news report from the Australian TV network 7News - which has now been watched thousands of times. Laurel: You were one of the first scientists in the world to explore the use of nanotechnology in cloud seeding. Cloud seeding experiments began in Australia in 1947, shortly after the classic experiments of Schaefer (1946) in America showing that pellets of dry ice could rapidly glaciate a laboratory cloud. Prime inner-city areas including much of the South Bank precinct are underwater. . Usually, silver iodide particles are used. While scientists have blamed the. You can find out more about Snowy Hydros cloud seeding operations here. The information and techniques are out of date and their effectiveness is not well understood.. Dr. Zou: It is a challenge area and I have collaborated with the Cloud Microphysics Modeling International team. Conspiracy theorists claim the motive for'elites' carrying out a 'weather attack', which submerged communities around Byron Bay and Lismore, was to move people into 'smart cities'. It can enhance precipitation in areas experiencing drought, among other uses. In partnership withUAE Pavilion Expo 2020 Dubai. The delivery of this salt is to vaporize them by ignition by a flare device. Ice nucleation is important. Conventional water resources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater have become very limited, which is driving scientists and engineers to look for alternative water resources, says Dr. Linda Zou, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Khalifa University of Science and Technology. 'If you also know this, comment on your awareness of unnatural weather below. Conversely, she said cloud seeding would not dramatically worsen clouds that are already forecast to produce severe weather. Reuters quoted the Bureau of Meteorology, which said Sydney had received 1,227 mm (48 inches) of rain so far this year, more than its average annual rainfall of 1,213 mm adding that many coastal towns could see up to 180 mm (7 inches) of rainfall. Towards New Zealand, Domensino says, an area of high pressure known as a blocking high stops the system from moving away into the Tasman Sea. The fact that the damage and loss of life were so great this time is due to the fact that many more people live in . The condensation nuclei that give birth to clouds are extremely small, measuring around two micrometres, which is about 1/100th the size of a single cloud droplet. Media reports estimated at least 22 . What kind of effect can cloud seeding potentially have on a country, like the UAE, which typically only records four inches of rain in a year? It does not have the ability to suddenly produce all kinds of heavy rain and snow, Tessendorf said, adding, That process is just not really set up to take a cloud that may not be an effective precipitation producer and suddenly make it into the most efficient flood-producing cloud.. We can do a spectrum analysis and to find out their vapor condensation, the droplet formation, and the size and the number of the droplets. Theres a small one, a medium one, and a large one. He was charged with incitement for allegedly encouraging his social media followers to attend an illegal rally. But a probe by the Tasmanian government found that cloud seeding did not contribute to or worsen the heavy rains - a conclusion since backed by independent scientists and experts. Wivenhoe has never dealt with that volume of water but it was lucky it was down at 60% at the start. NOTE: Dry ice used for cloud-seeding = solid carbon dioxide = CO2. A car is seen submerged in floodwater following heavy rains in the northern town of Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, March 30, 2022 in an image taken from video. In Australia, a La Nia increases the likelihood of rain, cyclones, and cooler daytime temperatures. reach out to us at Social Credit? ', Pictured: Military vehicles move through Lismore, NSW, with much of town now underwater, James Bartolo (pictured)says the weather event is 'not natural' and created by the government. What did you develop and how will it facilitate future research? However, Dr. Zou explains, The cloud-seeding materials used today have been around for many decades. Sarah Tessendorf, a project scientist at the Colorado-based National Center for Atmospheric Research who leads the centers work on cloud seeding, told the AP that claims linking the process to flooding lack an understanding of how cloud seeding works. So we can use them as input to develop one-dimensional and three-dimensional modeling of precipitation enhancement caused by cloud seeding, and the results prove quite successful. Steven Siems, from Monash University's School of Earth Atmosphere and Environment, is a cloud expert. Laurel: Certainly, a number of possible commercial ventures. Cloud seeding programs in the upper Colorado River Basin, for instance, cost around $1.5 million each year. The pilot's aviation company said it was conducting aerial surveys for a . Cloud seeding was first trialled in Australia in 1947 when the CSIRO got up in a light plane and released crushed dry ice into promising-looking clouds. 2. Brisbane has two features that make it susceptible to flooding. So, what is cloud seeding, how does it work and where is it used in Australia? Flashes into the high RF appear on RADAR sometimes in the same geometric modulation patterns spoken about in HAARP research papers they appear coordinated with other stations, and not all stations in the same area produce the flash. Dr. Zou: The cloud seeding materials used today have been around for many decades. This show is available wherever you get your podcasts. New video piece available now! Were having trouble saving your preferences. Electric vehicles have been available for decades. For the third time this year, Sydney has been hit by major floods. A flooded road is seen in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, following heavy rains on March 2, 2022. A conspiracy theorist claims destructive rain and flooding in south-eastern Queensland and northern NSW are the result of man-made weather manipulation from "cloud seeding".. For more information about us and the show, please check out our website at There is devastation in northern NSW as Wilsons River rises two metres above previous flood records, inundating the town of Lismore. Discover special offers, top stories, At 10pm, Seqwater starts to release some of the water building up in Wivenhoe Dam. It was not written by MIT Technology Reviews editorial staff. Mar 27, 2022 Cloud Seeding, . April 8, 2022 / 6:52 AM / AFP . Laurel: Your research focuses on the cloud seeding material itself, specifically the nanomaterials as you mentioned, which is a more effective tool in generating rain from existing clouds. The technique has been around for decades. 15 February 2014. Cloud seeding trials continued through the late 1950s and early 1960s by the CSIRO in the Snowy Mountains, in the New England district of NSW, the Warragamba catchment near Sydney and in the York Peninsula in SA. Atmospheric water is one such alternative resource. Learn more about fact-checking at AP. 7 July 2022. There's no evidence to suggest it played a role in the 2022 floods in southeastern Australia, either. Why Is the Government Cloud Seeding in NSW's Over the Areas That Have Just Been Ravaged by Floods? Torrential rain hovers over the Brisbane region, feeding Wivenhoe Dam but also filling major rivers like the Bremer that winds through Ipswich and the Lockyer Creek. out 'cloud seeding' - a weather . Is that correct? Cloud seeding is a form of weather modification that mimics what naturally occurs in clouds but enhances the process by adding particles that can stimulate and accelerate the condensation process. The amount of snow or rain tied to cloud seeding has varied, with up to 14% reported in experiments in Australia. And two Middle East rivals - the United . Information supplied by Weatherzone based on data provided by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), Copyright 2023 Weatherzone | v6.5.8 (b498), Note to media: You are welcome to republish text from the above news article as direct quotes from Weatherzone. A really strong storm, she explained, will already have a very strong updraft and windflow characteristics that help create the cloud to begin with. The clip is unrelated to recent floods in Australia, however, and dates . The flooding in October 2022 is the latest in a series of major floods to affect eastern Australia since unusually wet conditions began in early 2021. Laurel: In the past, one of the challenges scientists encountered when researching cloud seeding was the lack of a simulation environment. Could this all just be a . Bartolo's move to Gold Coast came after getting arrested in a dramatic police raid in Melbourne in September 2020. UAE is in the arid climate zone, and the government has already taken the initiative of this UAE research program for re-enhancement science. Since the 1940s, scientists have studied ways to increase rainfall with the goal of increasing precipitation in arid and semi-arid climates. Mass Floods and Australia's High-Speed Rail. JB Straubel speaks about his company, Redwood Materials, and what challenges loom for batteries. These particles act as additional condensation nuclei. The flight was collecting images for aerial maps provided to Australian mapping company NearMap, he said. Cloud seeding gives these clouds a lot more ice crystals (or cloud nuclei). We know the oceans are getting warmer and that puts more moisture in the atmosphere, and a warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture.. A rain-enhancing process known as cloud seeding caused historic flooding in Tasmania, Australia, in 2016 and along Australias southeastern coast this year. , among other uses she was awarded a grant by the UAE Program! Core structured material can be activated at much broader relative humidity conditions such as iodide. Key factors of a successful cloud seeding operations here it is not responsible for of! Year, Sydney has been hit by major floods up in Wivenhoe Dam southern China welcomed the long-awaited rain the! Meteorology, Tasmania saw very low rainfall, around 26 percent below the average for March 2022 |:! Has continuously intensified by rapid population growth and economic development around the world a dramatic raid... Wivenhoe Dam increase in precipitation Wivenhoe Dam relative humidity conditions such as about 65 % it used in Australia weather... 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