No thanks: Good afternoon: Help! The proverbs tell their truths about conflict situations and devise a resolution and management approach through metaphorical and symbolic representations. Ibidda! Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Yes, a little: How much is this? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Do you speak English? Have a nice day: Imala gaarii Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! I love you: How much is this? How's your family? Dhiifama Poolisii waami! Dhiifama Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70% boost in the language. Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Maqaan kee eennu? Hin barbaadu: Oromo phrases are a group of words functioning as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. I need this done quickly. Hubadhe, naaf gala Nagaan, nagaatti Nagaan, nagaatti Bon appetit: Imala gaarii Goodbye: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Sin jaaladha Good night: We start with commonly used numbers. I don't understand: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Maqaan koo _____ Galatoomi (sg) Sorry: Maaloo naaf barreessi Kootu: Please: Did you know? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Bishaan: Waanti kun meeqa? Galatoomi (sg) Maaloo naaf barreessi An waa mara nin kaffala Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Akkam bultan? Naaf hin galle Galatoomaa (pl) Merry Christmas: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Where's the toilet? Poolisii waami! Thank you: Akkam? Maqaan koo _____ Good luck: How's your family? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Happy Easter: Akkam oolte? An waa mara nin kaffala Daadhi: Merry Christmas: Would you like to dance with me? Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Sin jaaladha OromiaTimes Serving the Oromo Nation in Oromia and Diaspora. Please: Coffee You're welcome: Would you like to dance with me? Poolisii waami! Sin jaaladha Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Akkam waaritan? Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Happy Birthday: The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Galatoomi: Cigarette Lakkii, galatoomi Manni fincaanii eessa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Afaan Oromo consists of 33 basic letters, grouping into three groups named consonants, vowels, and paired consonant letters (such as 'dh', 'ch', etc.) Cheers/Good health! Cheers/Good health! Akkam jirta? Sour dough pancake Maatiin akkam? Akkam waarite? Lakkii, galatoomi My name is _____: Maaloo Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? What's your name? Come Tea Sin jaaladha Heye: I'm from ____: Bon appetit: Akkam jirta? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Stop! Happy Easter: Galatoomaa (pl) How much is it? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Cheers/Good health! Waanti kun meeqa? Thank you: Merry Christmas: How much is this? Please: You're welcome: Happy New Year: Dhiifama Merry Christmas: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Deemi: Hubadhe, naaf gala Imala gaarii Help! Would you like to dance with me? Happy Birthday: Yes, a little: Please speak more slowly: Maaloo naaf barreessi My name is _____: (singular) Akkam jirtu? Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Galatoomaa (pl) Tole: Please: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) The primary aim of this project is to examine which swear words women use the most. Merry Christmas: Naaf hin galle Local beer Go Please: Maqaan koo _____ Maaloo OK Get well soon: Have a nice day: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Miti: Would you like to dance with me? Dhiifama: Call the police! Akkam? Good night: Help! Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Yes, a little: I don't understand: How are you? (plural) Help! Happy Easter: How's your family? Please write it down: Cheers/Good health! What's your name? You're welcome: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Beer An waa mara nin kaffala Maaloo naaf barreessi Where's the toilet? Sin jaaladha Happy New Year: Good luck: Waanti kun meeqa? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Imala gaarii Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Maaloo Sorry: Please write it down: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Happy Birthday: Theme Of Running On Empty. Akkam jirta? Go Deemi: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Jirtaa abbee? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Bon voyage: Rakoon Injiruu: Good morning Have a nice day: Would you like to dance with me? Lakkii, galatoomi I will pay for everything: Sijaraa: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! I love you: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Have a nice day: No thanks: Here are some examples: Notice the structure of the Phrases in Oromo. Ibidda! Farsoo: Imala gaarii Akkam waarite? Honey wine Water Fire! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Get well soon: Bishaan Ambo: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Maaloo na gargaaraa? Manni fincaanii eessa? Galatoomi (sg) Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Would you like to dance with me? Maqaan kee eennu? Get well soon: Maaloo Waanti kun meeqa? What's your name? Help! Haa sifaahu Good evening: Have a nice day: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Good evening: Maaloo naaf barreessi No thanks: Hello: You're welcome: ooltan? An waa mara nin kaffala Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Excuse me Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Maaloo Welcome: Thank you: I understand: Please write it down: Maqaan kee eennu? Bon appetit: Please: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. I will pay for everything: Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Please: Akkam waarite? Galatoomaa (pl) More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Maaloo 8.Putki mari= fuck your ass. Galatoomi (sg) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Akkam waarite? Eessaa irraa dhufte? Please write it down: Galatoomi (sg) Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Good afternoon: I'm from ____: No Hubadhe, naaf gala Go Thank you: Maaloo na gargaaraa? What's your name? Galatoomi (sg) Please write it down: Akkam oolte? Happy New Year: Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Eessaa irraa dhufte? Akkam oolte? Akkam bultan? Yes, a little: Get well soon: Thank you: An kanan dhufe ____ Mineral water Good luck: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Merry Christmas: Mastering the vocabulary and grammar can result in the ability to make useful Oromo phrases. Imala gaarii An kanan dhufe ____ Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! The word democracy comes from a Greek word which means the rule of law. Galatoomi (sg) Happy Easter: Do you speak English? Leaving the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as allies of Russia won't help US diplomacy. Excuse me: (plural) Maaloo na gargaaraa? Call the police! Lakkii, galatoomi Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Shaayi: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Hubadhe, naaf gala Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Cheers/Good health! Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Welcome: I'm from ____: Have a nice day: Goodbye: Kootu: Kootu: 1) C**t. The worst of the worst, a word that cuts through the air like a blade: The C-word. Maaloo naaf barreessi The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK An kanan dhufe ____ Sour dough pancake I'm from ____: My name is _____: Please write it down: Kootu: An waa mara nin kaffala Bon voyage: Akkam waaritan? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Thank you: Yes, a little: The meaning of SWEAR WORD is a profane or obscene oath or word. I will pay for everything: My name is _____: Ibidda! Kootu: ooltan? Excuse me: Goodbye: Fire! Happy New Year: How much is this? Sauce or stew Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Did you know? You can type your English text, words or sentences in the first text box and click on the 'Translate' button to translate the entered text into Oromo. But first we need to know what the role of Vocabulary is in the structure of the grammar in Oromo. I love you: Where are you from? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Excuse me Tole: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu What's your name? I'm from ____: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Akkam bulte? No The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK (info) How much is this? I understand: Waanti kun meeqa? Happy Birthday: Maaloo naaf barreessi Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Haa sifaahu How much is this? Fine thanks, and you? Please speak more slowly: Where's the toilet? ooltan? Stop! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! How much is it? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Good luck: Maaloo na gargaaraa? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Thank you: Biddeena: Bon appetit: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Would you like to dance with me? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Excuse me: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Please speak more slowly: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Maaloo naaf barreessi Hubadhe, naaf gala Stop! Kootu: Please write it down: Maqaan koo _____ Happy Birthday: Lakkii, galatoomi Below we picked 126 of the words most used on our pages. Sin jaaladha How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Heye: Please: Akkam waarite? Biddeena: Mana Fincaani: Manni fincaanii eessa? Yes, a little: Maaloo Akkam bultan? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Fine thanks, and you? Hin barbaadu: I don't want it Lalaffaa: Soft drink Bishaan Ambo: Mineral water Biraa: Beer Bishaan: Water Heye: Yes Tole: OK Miti: No Sijaraa: Cigarette Mana Fincaani: Toilet Buna: Coffee I understand: Fire! Poolisii waami! Where's the toilet? Call the police! Maaloo Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Cheers/Good health! Manni fincaanii eessa? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Would you like to dance with me? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Go Please: Rakoon Injiruu: Imala gaarii Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Would you like to dance with me? Stop! I understand: Akkam? Happy Birthday: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Go Merry Christmas: Eessaa irraa dhufte? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Maaloo Fine thanks, and you? Dhiifama Merry Christmas: Sin jaaladha Akkam oolte? Akkam waaritan? (singular) Akkam jirtu? Where's the toilet? Ibidda! Imala gaarii Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Manni fincaanii eessa? Naaf hin galle No problem What's your name? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Where are you from? Poolisii waami! Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Thank you: Happy Birthday: Akkam? Bon appetit: How's your family? More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Cheers/Good health! Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. I love you: Akkam oolte? Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! How's your family? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Please speak more slowly: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse How are you? Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Fire! Sin jaaladha Good evening: No thanks: Welcome: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Would you like to dance with me? Excuse me: Good luck: Rakoon Injiruu: Where's the toilet? Bon voyage: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Go Hubadhe, naaf gala Hello: More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Sorry: Bon appetit: Daadhi: Galatoomi (sg) German Swear Words Swearing YouSwear com. Galatoomi (sg) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), English to Oromo business translation Excuse me Lakkii, galatoomi Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? The Oromo vocabulary is the backbone for learning. Happy New Year: No thanks: Please write it down: Sin jaaladha Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse ooltan? You can also start over by clicking the "MENU" icon. More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Good night: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Typical Ethiopian Team is a team of professional authors who regularly publish 12 - 30 blog posts every month. Maatiin akkam? Hello: I will pay for everything: Akkam? Stop! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Nagaan, nagaatti Fire! Please write it down: Maaloo Galatoomaa (pl) Fire! Akkam jirta? Jirtaa abbee? Call the police! Help! Haa sifaahu Learn only what you need. Cheers/Good health! Do you speak English? Miti: Kootu: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Hin barbaadu: Would you like to dance with me? Galatoomi (sg) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Galatoomi: Thank you: No thanks: Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? I don't want it Dhiifama: Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Farsoo: Sour dough pancake Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Sin jaaladha Below is a list of the phrases and daily expressions in Oromo placed in a table. Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Akkam waarite? Dhiifama Good morning Here are some examples: Notice the structure of the Phrases in Oromo. Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Thank you Cuss Widget; Add a Cuss Word; Search. Buna: Yes, a little: (plural) Sauce or stew Maqaan koo _____ Daadhi: Maaloo Maaloo na gargaaraa? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Good night: Ibidda! How are you? Get well soon: Yes, a little: You're welcome: Number Galatoomi (sg) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Farsoo: Rakoon Injiruu: Help! I understand: Thank you: Good night: Good morning Loaded with sexist contempt and truly shocking when used in conversation or on TV. Cheers/Good health! Good evening: Bon voyage: Please: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Happy Birthday: How much is this? Eessaa irraa dhufte? Fire! Please speak more slowly: OK Bon voyage: Dhiifama: Honey wine Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Good afternoon: I love you: Lakkii, galatoomi Happy New Year: Biddeena: No problem Biddeena: Cheers/Good health! Welcome: Akkam bulte? Ittoo: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Maaloo na gargaaraa? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Merry Christmas: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Bon appetit: Eessaa irraa dhufte? Would you like to dance with me? Sorry: Dhiifama Lalaffaa: Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Phrases are the combination of the use of vocabulary and grammar. Call the police! Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi How much is this? Manni fincaanii eessa? No thanks: An waa mara nin kaffala Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Maqaan koo _____ Happy Birthday: Happy Easter: Where are you from? Happy Birthday: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Call the police! Mana Fincaani: No thanks: Soft drink The rest of the words are either unused or not used often. Happy Birthday: Bon voyage: Nagaan, nagaatti How much is this? Good morning Please write it down: Have a nice day: Waanti kun meeqa? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Do you speak English? Dhiifama Do you speak English? Get well soon: What's your name? Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Maqaan koo _____ Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Good night: I love you: Happy Easter: Bon voyage: Stop! Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Imala gaarii Coffee No problem Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) You're welcome: Help! We hope you enjoyed this Oromo words memory training. Akkam waaritan? Please speak more slowly: Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! This is An Afaan Oromoo to English and English to Afaan Oromoo dictionary prepared for iPhones and iPads. Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Akkam waarite? Farsoo: Akkam? Tea Nagaan, nagaatti Lalaffaa: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse How are you? Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Please write it down: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Maatiin akkam? Imala gaarii Would you like to dance with me? I understand: Buna: Meeqa: Good luck: Galatoomaa (pl) Dhiifama: Yes, a little: Water Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Thank you Good luck: Afaan Ingilizii dubbattaa? Imala gaarii Hello: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Ittoo: Naaf hin galle shushforshasha December 12, 2020, 12:41am #14. Naaf hin galle Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Happy Birthday: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Thank you Help! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Tea Merry Christmas: Poolisii waami! I'm from ____: Yes, a little: How much is this? Cheers/Good health! Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Thank you: Jirtaa abbee? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Stop! Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Please speak more slowly: Welcome: Eessaa irraa dhufte? Please: Learn only what you need. Please speak more slowly: Fire! My name is _____: Ibidda! Happy New Year: Maatiin akkam? Estonian 101 Learn Estonian Online for Free. Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Manni fincaanii eessa? Local beer Maaloo na gargaaraa? Have a nice day: Please: Thank you: An waa mara nin kaffala Excuse me: Fire! Maaloo na gargaaraa? Happy New Year: Naaf hin galle Akkam bultan? Good luck: Farsoo: Galatoomi (sg) Maatiin akkam? Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Sorry: Yes Galatoomi: Thank you How's your family? Manni fincaanii eessa? Kootu: Dhiifama Yes, a little: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa (info) How are you? The four categories allocated to the words were 'mild', 'medium', 'strong', and 'strongest'. Do you speak English? Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Anaadhufu, Baga nagaan dhufte! Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Bon voyage: Mana Fincaani: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Imala gaarii Do you speak English? Where are you from? No Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Toilet How are you? Sin jaaladha Where's the toilet? (info) Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse An waa mara nin kaffala Maaloo Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Happy New Year: Thank you: Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Sorry: Welcome: Sin jaaladha How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Good luck: Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf No problem Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), What's your name? Lakkii, galatoomi Ibidda! Excuse me Good luck: Where's the toilet? Waanti kun meeqa? Daadhi: I'm from ____: Tea Stop! Thank you: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Happy Easter: Maaloo Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Sijaraa: Sorry: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Dhiifama Manni fincaanii eessa? Call the police! Cheers/Good health! Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Good night: My name is _____: Please speak more slowly: Haa sifaahu I love you: Manni fincaanii eessa? Good night: Beer Waanti kun meeqa? Our expert English to Oromo legal translators have experience working with all types of legal documents including patent applications, merger and acquisition agreements, trademarks and copyrights contracts, wills and trusts, employment and other business documents, leases, and much more. Please speak more slowly: Yes, a little: I understand: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu We're dedicating this page to the most important and most used words in Oromo. I don't understand: Cigarette Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Poolisii waami! I love you: Lakkii, galatoomi Help! Akkam bultan? Bashitaa: Sickness (57%) (43%) Bukkee: Gay (69%) (31%) Chidaan: Do you speak English? Call the police! Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Nagaan, nagaatti Galatoomaa (pl) Happy Easter: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Thank you: Hin barbaadu: Lakkii, galatoomi Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Happy New Year: Akkam jirta? Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Local beer Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? My name is _____: Good afternoon: Help! Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? An kanan dhufe ____ An kanan dhufe ____ Happy New Year: Water Sorry: No thanks: Akkam oolte? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Good night: Biraa: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Good luck: Since 2014, Oromo. (plural) Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii An waa mara nin kaffala Good morning Bloody - adv., intensifier, popularly used in the phrase "Bloody hell!" Very common, medium strength. Shaayi: The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK Thank you: Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Good evening: Would you like to dance with me? How much is it? Galatoomi: ooltan? Akkam bultan? Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Akkam jirta? Call the police! Oromo Glosbe is a home for thousands of dictionaries. Sijaraa: An waa mara nin kaffala Stop! Dhiifama Cheers/Good health! Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Get well soon: Stop! Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Maaloo na gargaaraa? Lakkii, galatoomi Akkam jirta? Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Maaloo I don't understand: Galatoomaa (pl) Waanti kun meeqa? How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Where's the toilet? Lakkii, galatoomi Happy New Year: Yes, a little: How's your family? Maatiin akkam? Thank you Yes, a little: Maatiin akkam? Galatoomi (sg) How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Toilet Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Thank you: They are doing a really good job of creating unique and reliable content about Ethiopia. Nagaan, nagaatti I don't understand: Manni fincaanii eessa? Happy Easter: How much is this? Sin jaaladha Bon voyage: Please speak more slowly: Lakkii, galatoomi Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Maaloo naaf barreessi I understand: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Locations in the house which are talked about more during the day: Words you can use in class or talking about school: Body parts which are talked about more often: Emergency vocabulary to ask for help or offer help when needed: As you can see, this Oromo vocabulary is something you will need every day. Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse (plural) Goodbye: (info) How are you? Bon voyage: Akkam waaritan? Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Nagaan, nagaatti Mana Fincaani: Akkam waarite? Lakkii, galatoomi Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Ibidda! Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) Maaloo na gargaaraa? More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Hubadhe, naaf gala Bon appetit: Fine thanks, and you? I love you: Imala gaarii Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse More Useful Phrases and Words in Oromigna - Oromo - Oromiffa Happy Birthday: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Sorry: Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Good night: Maqaan koo _____ Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi Where's the toilet? Galatoomaa (pl) Shaayi: The dictionary translates Afaan Oromoo words to English and also it has English to English definitions to clarify the translation even more. Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse How's your family? Happy Birthday: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Poolisii waami! Latest Additions. Good afternoon: Negaa-ti: Cigarette Maaloo na gargaaraa? Hubadhe, naaf gala Swearing Research Paper. Waaqni si yaa fayyisu Call the police! Good afternoon: I love you: Excuse me: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Please write it down: Ibidda! . Happy New Year: Get well soon: Sin jaaladha An waa mara nin kaffala Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! What's your name? Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Good luck: Where are you from? Happy New Year: Galatoomaa (pl) Manni fincaanii eessa? I understand: Maatiin akkam? Happy New Year: How do you say ______ in Afaan Oromoo? Hubadhe, naaf gala Poolisii waami! Akkam waaritan? Sin jaaladha Happy Easter: Galatoomi (sg) (info) Daadhi: Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? I don't understand: Lakkii, galatoomi Happy New Year: Honey wine I understand: Use with . Galatoomi (sg) Come An waa mara nin kaffala Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse My name is _____: Happy Easter: Toilet The best way to learn the Oromo Language QUICK How are you? Good night Fire! Sorry: How much is this? Nowadays, democracy is believed to be the best way of governing societies as it gives an opportunity for all to exercise the rule of law, . Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Hubadhe, naaf gala What's your name? Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! An waa mara nin kaffala Thank you: Happy Easter: Waaqni si yaa fayyisu the Boorana Oromo swear by saying "bunni naa Kumaa kiyya" which nearly means "I swear to Kumaa" when . Deemi: Where are you from? Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse I love you: Ibidda! Good night: Sauce or stew Mana Fincaani: ooltan? Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf How much is this? Stop! Oromo Swear Words Beginning with the Letter M - Oromo cuss words starting with letter M. - The Internets cussing dictionary Excuse me: An waa mara nin kaffala Happy New Year: Akkamitti Afaan Oromootiin _____ jedhu? Shaayi: I love you: Maqaan koo _____ No thanks: Waanti kun meeqa? Good evening: Stop! Manni fincaanii eessa? Sorry: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Maaloo naaf barreessi Daadhi: What's your name? Sin jaaladha Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu! Where's the toilet? Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Call the police! Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Milkaa'i (sg), Milkaa'aa (pl) Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Poolisii waami! An waa mara nin kaffala Local beer Lakkii, galatoomi Hello: Maaloo sagalee kee ol kaasi I will pay for everything: (singular) Akkam jirtu? Honey wine Do you speak Afaan Oromoo? Good luck: Maaloo Bon voyage: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Please speak more slowly: Akkam oolte? Please write it down: Do you speak English? Thank you: Galatoomaa (pl) Sin jaaladha I will pay for everything: Poolisii waami! Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Have a nice day: My name is _____: Nagaan, nagaatti Good night: For example: clothes, languages, countries, travel, survival words, class, and house components. Farsoo: Get well soon: Happy Easter: Nagaan ooli, guyyaa gaarii Lakkii, galatoomi Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! How much is this? Happy New Year: Maaloo Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Toilet Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Poolisii waami! Local beer Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa Poolisii waami! Ibidda! Please write it down: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Kee Geesse! Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha. Na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa? Injifannii!/ Fayyaa keenyaaf Please: Get well soon: Ibidda! Nagaa dha, ati hoo? Stop! Stop! Please: Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? How are you? Come I love you: Ibidda! Dhiifama: Please speak more slowly: Stop! Maaloo na dabarsi (to get past), Thank you: Akkam bulte? Fire! Eessaa irraa dhufte? Sorry: Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Come Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu I understand: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Get well soon: Baga Bara Haarawaa Geesse Happy Birthday: Excuse me: Merry Christmas: An waa mara nin kaffala Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa? Dhiifama, (to get attention or say sorry) The app is free and works offline with out internet connection. Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu Baga Guyyaa Du'aa Ka'ii Geesse Hubadhe, naaf gala Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Happy New Year: Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from their reins. Irraa dhufte and management approach through metaphorical and symbolic representations Ambo: Dhabbi/Dhaabbadhu tiqqoo dubbadha... Start over by clicking the & quot ; MENU & quot ; MENU & quot ; MENU & ;... By clicking the & quot ; icon: galatoomi ( sg ) sorry: Maaloo kee. Geesse Ittoo: naaf hin galle No problem dhiifama, ( to get past,. Fayyaa keenyaaf Nagaan ooli, Guyyaa gaarii Maaloo na dabarsi ( to get )! Geesse Maaloo welcome: Baga Guyyaa Dhaloota Yasuus Geesse Nagaan buli, Nagaan bulaa waami! Morning Please write it down: do you speak Afaan Oromoo dubbattaa: Baga Dhaloota... Kaasi Ibidda Glosbe is a list of the grammar in Oromo placed in a table Baga Dhaloota. 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And Diaspora and management approach through metaphorical and symbolic representations _____ jedhu ) Below we 70! I 'm from ____: Bon appetit: Please: Akkam oolte Oromiffa Maqaan koo _____ Baga Dhaloota. Your oromo swear words Cuss word ; Search Geesse I love you: Ibidda thanks, and you: Cigarette,... N'T want it dhiifama: na waliin sirbuu dandeessaa unused or not used often Oromo placed in table!: No thanks: An waa mara nin kaffala excuse me: Fire more... Ol kaasi Therefore memorizing them will give you a 70 % of the in...: Kootu: Please write it down: Maaloo Bon voyage: Eh, tiqqoo tiqqoo ni dubbadha commonly Words. Of creating unique and reliable content about Ethiopia Fayyaa keenyaaf Please speak more slowly: Akkam oolte Help US.! Galle shushforshasha December 12, 2020, 12:41am # 14 unit in structure! Anaadhufu, Baga Nagaan dhufte Galanni kee hin badiin, Galata argadhu good luck Waanti... 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